
20 August 2011

In My Mail Box (2)

So tomorrow I'm going to be quite busy, so i decided to do
In My Mailbox today instead of tomorrrow. IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.  It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.

~Bought at the Used Book Store =)~

The Vampire Academy By: Richelle Mead

~Bought at Borders with some of my Birthday money~

The City of Bones By: Cassandra Clare

Gone By: Lisa McMann

~Bought @ Barnes & Noble~

Shattered Silence By: Melissa G. Moore

~Given to me!!~

The Book Theif By: Markus Zusak

Well that's all I got this week!! Thanks for stopping by. Leave me the link to your IMM down below in the comments. I'll gladly check them out =)


  1. I really need to get my hands on The Book Thief, I've heard so many good things! I read Vampire Academy but I really need to continue the series. Great book week!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Your welcome and thanks for checking mine out!! And yeah i'm liking the Book theif at first i was a little confused but now im getting into it =)

  3. I love it so far too!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  4. Great books this week! Love City of Bones...

    Thanks for stopping by mine! Happy reading :)

  5. city of bones is an amazing book i love that series

  6. VA and The Mortal Instruments are two of my favorite YA series of all time!

    Happy Reading,
    Megan @ Read It, See It

  7. Ah, Mortal Instruments! That's a good one. Enjoy!

    Please hop by and have a look at the book in my my IMM post

    I'm a new follower

  8. Gotta love used book stores! Great finds this week- Vampire Academy and Mortal Instruments are two of my favorite series!

    If you'd like check out my IMM this week!

    I'm a new blogger and follower! Looks like we have similar interests in books so I look forward to seeing your reviews!

  9. Cool! I still have yet to read the Vampire Academy & the Mortal Instruments series as well! I have had The Book Thief on my TBR list for so long-maybe next month for me!
    My IMM...
    -Heather @BookStacksOnDeck

  10. I also got City of Bones this week! I've already started it and am in about half. Reeeeally liking it so far! Just want more time to read! I hope you enjoy your books. Got the first two VA last week and the rest this, so can't wait to start those either! Enjoy! :)

    My IMM can be found here!

  11. Thanks for all the awesome comments & thanks to all the people who are following my blog!! I appreciate it!! I'll definitely follow anyone who follows me just leave links!!!

  12. Great book list! Loved VA and COB!!! Gone, yep, another good one. :) TY for stopping by my IMM.

  13. Your welcome!! Thanks for checking out mine!!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)