
09 August 2011


So about a month ago i started writing a book. Now i'm not sure how good it is considering i'm only 15 which is why i've created this blog to get feedback from everyone. I dont care if its negative or positive feedback i'll take anything i can get. So if you dont mind i'd appreciate if you could read my story. I'll answer any comments as soon as i can. If you want to email me you can at Also if you want me to subscribe to your blog just ask me and i will i love to read so i'll read just about anything.
So thats about it thanks people!! I'm going to post the first 4 chapters right now. As soon as i get some feedback i'll post the next couple. If im going to slow for you and you want to read the next chapter right away just leave me a comment or an email, and i'll either post the next chapter or personally email it to you.

Hope some people read it thanks!!!


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