
02 September 2011

In My Mailbox (Vlog 2)

Thanks for watching my second IMM! I hope you enjoyed it even though there's a couple oldies in there!! I haven't been posting much because Wednesday school started so I haven't had much time, and tomorrow i'm going to my grandpas beach house for the weekend, and i wont be back until Monday. So Monday is when i'll be replying to comments, and commenting on other peoples IMM's. Thanks again!!!


  1. Wow you got quite a bit this week! Can't wait to see what you think of Envy, that's one I keep debating on, it sounds like a good creepy read!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow--which since you're out of town til Monday, it's no bigs! So I'll be sure to see your comment that day!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Thanks, I'm leaving a little bit later then i thought, in a couple hours so i still have a little bit of time left! I'll definitely check your IMM out on Monday! Thanks for stopping by the blog!!

  3. envy looks awesome...such a creepy cover!
    delirium came out early this year i really liked it. the audio book is amazing!

  4. Awesome i'll have to read that before i have to bring it back to the library! And i know i love Envy's cover because it really is creepy!! Thanks for stopping by the blog!!

  5. I love Envy's cover, it sounds and looks uber-creepy as well. Happy reading, Paige!
    My IMM will be up in the evening :D

  6. I know it really does huh? I picked up and loved the cover even though its so creepy. Thanks for stopping by the blog ill check out your IMM as soon as I can! =)

  7. Hey! Great vlog! I'm still so technologically challenged that I don't think I could pull one of these off. Great post though, and I can't wait to see what you think of Envy. Hope you enjoyed your weekend =)

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  8. Lucky is great!

    Hope you enjoy them all!

  9. Thanks for the comments ladies!!

  10. I can't wait to read Envy as well!

  11. It's so good so far! Thanks for stopping by!!

  12. Hope you enjoy your oldies! I really liked your video.
    Thanks for stopping by The Bookish Babes!

  13. Finally, somebody else other than me who hasn't read Delirium yet :-)
    Hope you enjoy new reads!

    My IMM

  14. Haha yeah i just spotted it at the library last week and i figured i'd pick it up and just read it whenever i could!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  15. Everyone loves Audry Wait, I'm seeing it everywhere! I also really like the new Delirium cover.
    Enjoy all your books!

  16. I've been curious about Delirium for quite some time! I hope it's good. :) Enjoy all your new reads! I'm still amazed by how quick you go through your vlogs with that many books! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Kindle Fever

  17. Delirium came out in Feb and I LOVED that book. LOVED! So amazing! I also loved Audrey, Wait! it was fantabulous!
    Envy is one I've been seeing around and I saw the author is signing here in the next week or so. I don't think I'll make it though :( And I can't afford the book anyway.

    Just a tip- my internet is incredibly slow and I couldn't get the video to load on my computer. I ended up looking up your YouTube and then watching it on my phone and then coming back to leave a comment. If you list your books then if I'm not able to watch the video I can still know what you got. Not trying to be bossy, I was just panicking cause I wasn't sure which books you got! Luckily I figured out watching it on my phone ;) Sometimes my 3G doesn't work either though and then I wouldn't have been able to watch it.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  18. OOOh loved that cover of ENvy and Delirium omg loved that as well I posted review about htis booka nd its on mytop fave of dystopias thanks for dropping by my page. :)


  19. Thanks for all the comments! & Candace! I'm sorry i didn't realize i definitely will put a list of what i got under the video in the future! Thanks for letting me know!! Have a great day girls!!

  20. Nice mailbox this week. Envy looks like a good book.
    Hope you enjoy your new books,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous


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