
30 September 2011

Review The Sorority: Eve By: Tamara Thorne

The Sorority: Eve: The Sorority (Sorority Trilogy)The Sorority: Eve: The Sorority by Tamara Thorne

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So this is one of the very first Horror books I’ve read and it's just for Halloween. I didn't think I’d be too interested in these but I loved this book!! I loved the whole plot how 3 girls meet at cheerleading camp and have this really scary experience then they meet again in a sorority when they get to college I think that was my favorite part of the book. As I read the part where she met Meryilynn again I was like omg you know her from that camp!!!!! I was a bit confused at first but then I started getting the hang of it. The only thing I’m a little confused about is what are the girls like Malory and Tiffany? Are they witches or what? and also what are they planning to do with Eve at the end? I understand that they're using her because she's a virgin, but I wasn't sure if she was dead and that was her ghost making Kendra scream at the end or what. I'll have to go ahead and get the second book to find out. Anyways leave your comments below =)

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1 comment:

  1. I'd never heard of this book before but it sounds good. I haven't read many horror, either...I'm actually a bit of a wuss when it comes to horror lol. I think it's because I have a super-crazy-overactive imagination and that + horror really don't mix! haha


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