
01 October 2011

In My Mailbox (6)

Hi guys!!! So i'm making my IMM video a little late this week because i was waiting for some books to come in i got them in yesterday so im making the video now =) Anyways don't mind the laughing and what i did at the end i was a little hyper and i didn't realize the camera was still on =)

What I got:

(Won from a giveaway done By Shortskie A.K.A Courtney! It says so on her blog =)

(Won from a giveaway on Goodreads)

(Won from a giveaway done by Stephanie Vollick here's the link to her blog

Make sure you follow if your not already i'd really appreciate it!!! Leave comments and links to your IMM's below =)


  1. Looks good! Haven't read any of these, but hope you like them! Hades sounded interesting but I haven't read the first one yet!

    My IMM goes up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Hooked looks so good. I've got it sitting on my shelf.

    Hope you enjoy your books! Thanks for stopping by mine. :)


  3. I've seen hooked on a lot of blogs. Looks interesting. Diary of a short life looks pretty good too. I tried reading Halo, the first book of Hades, but I couldn't really get into it.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Livin' Life Through Books

  4. Great books! I have Hades coming to me sometime soon! I loved Halo! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy your books! :)

  5. I've had Halo since it released but still haven't read it. Hooked looks good, I keep seeing it around. Hope they're all good!

  6. Awesome books you won. So lucky. Thanks for coming by my blog. Hooked looks interesting.

  7. Hades looks really good, and I just got hooked for a blog tour. Im curious to see how it is.

    Old Follower. :)

    My IMM- Book Briefs


  8. Well done on all your lucky wins! Hooked looks really interesting :)

  9. Congrats on all of you wins! Watersmeet looks really interesting :)
    My IMM:

  10. Yay for winning books! I haven't read any of those yet, Hooked sounds interesting.

  11. Nice list of books this week. Hooked looks good and I am going to check it out. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by. My IMM

  12. Congrats on your giveaway wins! Hooked sounds intriguing. Enjoy all your new reads :)

  13. Great week of books! I actually have not read any of these, but hope you enjoy all of them. [:

    Erin @ Let's Evaluate

  14. Hooked looks really good! Hope you enjoy it.

  15. Hooked is on my wish list. Enjoy all your new reads!

  16. Great mailbox. I really wanna read Hooked. Happy reading. :)

    My IMM:


  17. Seems like a good week for you. Hope you enjoy all your books :)

  18. Awesome! You won three books this week ?! I'm jealous! I'm still waiting to win my first contest hahahah You have great luck too becuase Hooked and Hades both sound great =) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  19. Congrats on the win! I hope you enjoy all the books.

    Thanks for stopping by The Bookish Babes!

  20. These look really good! I have Hooked on my TBR list, and I might have Hades too, I can't remember lol

  21. I haven't read Halo yet! But that's awesome you have Hades! I hope you enjoy all your books!! :)

  22. Great grabs. Hooked sounds really cool I've never heard of it before.

    Xpresso Reads
    P.S. I've also got a new giveaway on my blog for Remembrance if you want to enter.

  23. I've read Halo and I am not sure that I liked it enough to read Hades. So yeah. You lucked out in all the winning you did. Thanks for stopping by.

    ~Happy Reading!

  24. You got some pretty amazing books last week and I hope you enjoy all of them. :)

    Have a lovely week,

  25. Lol, I should stay away from online shops, yet I keep peeking in and finding awesome reads I just have to click home. ;) Great week! I hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by mine! :)

    Kindle Fever

  26. Great IMM! I've been seeing Hades around the blogosphere a little lately. Happy Reading!

  27. You win so many books! I'm totally jealous. Your blog looks awesome! Keep up the good work :)
    Jessica @ Books: A true story


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)