
06 November 2011

In My Mailbox (10)

So who's ready for another IMM? I am!! Anyways i'm not doing a video this week because i'm extremely busy!! So In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren So heres what i got this week!!

On Tuesday i recieved two books and they were

Swoon By: Nina Malkin

I was so excited when i got this! I haven't heard of the series but i love the cover of this one and the cover of the second one. So when i won them i was like hmm i think i'll give them a try!

Swear By: Nina Malkin

Oh yeah! I got the second book in the series too!! and i won them both from a giveaway from Amber over at Me, Myshelf, and I So thanks Amber can't wait to read them!!

Tiger's Curse By: Colleen Houck

So i got this book from the awesome Amy over at Denim-Jacket Librarian Dishes. I got it as a RAK and i'm so excited because this book has been on my wishlist forever! So thanks Amy i cant wait to read it!

So this is all i got this week. I promise there will be a video again next week i'm pretty sure so make sure to leave your comments and links to your own IMM's below! Happy Reading!


  1. Swear has a gorgeous cover! I haven't heard of these books but I hope you'll enjoy them :)

    My IMM is quite short this week, but... here it is :D

    Vicky @ Books, Biscuits & Tea

  2. Oh, well done on your win! Ive been wanting to get swoon for a while! :)

    Here's my IMM

  3. OOh nice! Have been curious about that series but haven't gotten to reading it. Hope you enjoy them!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Really great books! I LOVED Tiger's Curse, it's so good!
    Truly Bookish

  5. Hey Paige, Swoon is one of my favorite books! I reviewed It on the blog if u wanna check it out. I hope u love it! I haven't got my hands on Swear yet though :/
    Happy reading ;)

  6. AHHH I rreally cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of Swear! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

  7. Tiger's Curse looks great! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. Swoon is interesting. I'm not sure that I liked it. But I have swear and I am hoping to give it a try soon.

    ~Happy Reading!

  9. Ooh, those all look like such cool reads! That cover for Tiger's Curse made me smile because I ADORE tigers in all their stripped glory! They're such ferociously beautiful animals! :)

    Awesome mailbox, Paige! I hope you enjoy all of your books!

  10. Nice book week. Congratulations on the wins. I hope you enjoy all of your books.

  11. Very awesome books! The covers are gorgeous. Tiger's Curse looks like a great read. Enjoy your new books, Paige!

  12. Ohh I love the covers for both Swear and Swoon. So gorgeous. And congrats on your wins! I swear you have the best luck with giveaway hahah
    thanks for stopping by my mailbox!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  13. Swoon and Swear are beautiful books! I hope the inside lives up to the covers. Enjoy!

    Thanks for stopping by The Bookish Babes!

  14. LOVE Tiger's Curse! I hope you do too! Happy reading, and thank you for stopping by y blog! :)

  15. Thanks for stopping by! Tiger's Curse looks like a good read. Hope you enjoy them all!

  16. I have Swoon and Tigers Curse but haven't read them yet!

  17. Hi there,

    Thanks for visiting my blog I am now following you:D

    Swear I want to read that, I had as ebook but my timer went poof!!! so I didn;t get to read.

    Nice blog!!


  18. Those books sounds awesome! Great IMM ;D Happy reading :)
    Thank you for commenting on my IMM. <3
    Love, Carina

  19. Great 3 books! All the books I am eager to read but can't get around to yet lol!! I hope you enjoy them! =)

  20. This book is now one of my favorites. I couldn't put it down! I love tigers and mythology so it wasn't hard for me to get into this book. It grabbed me from the beginning. If you are looking for a favorite book definitely make sure to check this one out


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)