
10 November 2011

New Author Challenge! 2012

So as we all know I am a relatively new blogger. It's been about 4 months (I know I’m such a newbie and I’m still having trouble getting more followers and making my blog look awesome, and making my posts the best ever! So if you happen to have any advice let me know in the comments or shoot me an email!) But that's not what this post is about this is about one of the many challenges I'm participating in starting next year!

So the first challenge I’ve decided to participate in is the New Authors Challenge which is hosted by
Literary Escapism The whole point of this is to try new authors. I'm excited because I’m always wanting to try something new when it comes to books. I love so many different genres which makes me believe I’ll succeed with this challenge because I read new authors all the time!

Anyways if you want to participate head on over the link is above the challenge starts January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2012 (Ohh yeah! Year long challenge). If anyone who’s reading this post has some other awesome challenges that you think I might like please let me know in the comment section. I love reading your comments, I love the advice, links to your blog and anything else you think I might like. Don't forget to become a follower if your not already!


  1. cool! i'll have to check them out. btw, i'm having a giveaway, if you want to enter.

  2. Cool i'll have to check it out! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I'm trying out new authors myself and Indie publishing is a wonderful world. Anyway like Jessica we're giving away a book by another new author on November 16. Stop by for details.

    P.S. you're doing just fine :)

  4. I'll definately stop by thanks for letting me know!

    P.S. Thanks so much =)

  5. try the big sib little sib blogger program!

  6. I've heard a few things about that but i wasn't sure what exactly you had to do. I'll go check it out thanks for the link!!


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