
15 November 2011

Teaser Tuesday!

Hey guys! So I know i haven't been keeping up with my weekly memes, which makes me sad so i've decided what a better way to start up again with Teaser Tuesday!! created by the awesome MizB of Should Be Reading (Love the title of the blog btw!!) Oh and at the end of this i'm going to leave like one or two announcements so be sure to check them out!!

Now the rules of Teaser Tuesday are the following:
~Grab your current read
~Open to a random page
~Share two teaser sentences from that page
~Make sure you don't include spoilers you don't want to ruin the book for other people!!
~Last but not least make sure you include the Title of the book and the author so other TT participants can add the book to there tbr list!

all these things i've done By: Gabrielle Zevin

Pg. 68 "That flower smells amazing," I told her, and then i whispered, "He's already here. He got the wrong time or something."

Cool teaser right? i think so too but from now on instead of slipping through the whole book i'm only going to flip through the pages i've read because i just flipped to a random page read through and ruined a part of the book! Crazy!! Anyways leave links to your teasers below!!

So as you all know from above that I have a couple of announcements so here they are.

First i have a giveaway coming up soon for two books there the 6th and 7th book in a adult paranormal romance. Now i was going to try to read them but there's too many factors keeping me from reading them so i've decided that i'm just going to give them away so make sure you look out for the giveaway. I'm pretty sure it'll be before the end of the month i'm hoping!

Second I've signed up for my first book tour! *Hooray!! I'm finally getting my blog off the ground!!* Anyways the book tour is with Bewitching Book Tours, and it is for the book The Next Thing I Knew By: John Corwin, and my tour date is November 26 which is a saturday so make sure to stop by and check out the two posts i'll be putting up for the tour. Be sure to stop by and give me some support!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paige! Can't wait to hear what you have to say about this one. I read it, but haven't reviewed it on the blog, so I'm anxious to know what you think!
    Courtney @ Fuzzy.Coffee.Books


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)