
13 December 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Hi all, It's time for another Teaser Tuesday! Hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading.  Teaser Tuesday is a chance everybody gets every week to basically show off the book they are currently reading anyone can do this just follow the rules below.

  1. Grab your current read
  2. Open to a random page
  3. Share two teaser sentences from that page
  4. Make sure you don't share spoilers. You don't want to ruin the book for anyone who reads your spoiler!
  5. Last but not least don't forget to include the Title and Author of the book that your reading.
Here's Mine:

Thirst #1 By: Christopher Pike

There was his great beauty, of course, his long shiny mane of black hair, his brilliant eyes, cool blue gems, set deep in his powerful space. His smile was also beguiling.

Very random teaser but i like it don't you? Don't forget to leave the links to your TT in the comments section =) ~Happy Teasing~


  1. Very good teaser! I have not read these books yet! Sound like they are good! =) Thanks for the awesome teaser!
    Happy Reading.

  2. Ohhh that sounds yummy! It's funny...I know I have both this book and book 2 somewhere in my house...but I've never read them!

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. The girl on the cover looks pretty too. I don't know much about this book, but I think I've seen it around.

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. Nice! Remember seeing these books on the shelves way back when. It was around the time I was reading L.J. Smith, yet her books were still 10 years old! Wow, I feel old now!

    Here's my Teaser

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Great teaser! I've always wondered if these are good books. Thanks for sharing & for stopping by my blog.

  6. Good teaser! I have to check this out on Goodreads and probably will be adding this to my TBR- pile! :) Thanks for sharing!

    Monaliz @ Mind Reading?

  7. Oh, pretty teaser :D Enjoy reading ;)
    Thank you for commenting on my teaser. <3
    Love, Carina

  8. He sounds hot! I've yet to read this author, but I did snag a 99-cent copy of Wings for my Nook to read someday. Thanks for visiting my teaser :)

  9. I actually started reading this book but couldn't get into it much. I'm glad you're enjoying it though!

  10. Hey Paige, I've thought about reading these but I'm kind of iffy on them. I liked your teaser though ;)
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  11. That is a random teaser but I certainly enjoyed it. The guy sounds very good looking. Thanks for sharing!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)