
20 January 2012

In My Mailbox 17

What's up followers? No i didn't get internet back in my house yet, but I'm at my grandparents for the weekend and they have internet so I'm all set =) So let's get started with another edition of In My Mailbox! I'll leave all the links below oh and i'd also like to announce two things i picked the winner for my giveaway and i have already emailed her! and I just reached 100 followers! Yay for me *Happy Dance* Now for what i got this week. Like always click on the title and it will bring you to the goodreads page.

From my Local Library:



For Review


  1. Nice! Been considering starting Carrie Ryan's books, just haven't gotten around to it.

    My IMM--the little there was--will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Awesome mailbox ;D The Future of Us seems like an interesting book; planning to buy it sometime :) Hih.
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3 I am very excited to read Fracture ;) A bit nervous as well.
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  3. Great books! I need to read Future of Us! Its on my list! Let me know what you think of that "random" book you got! Enjoy all your goodies! Thanks for stopping by! :-) I love getting comments from you!

  4. I haven't read The Future of Us but I've heard great things. I hope you'll enjoy your haul this week! :)

  5. yay for your mom letting you get books, mine doesn't anymore u_u she also says I have way too many book x)

    and you HAVE to read The Infernal Devices! [I have a feeling you'll enjoy them] and I am so Jealous by The Story of Us! I've been wanting to buy it since it came out but can't! [Mother] and you seriously need to read Asher and Mackler, though from Mackler I recommend Tangled.

    and I haven't read the Forest of Hands and Teeth, I read The Dead-Tossed Waves [which is the second in the series, for the record I had no idea it was the second when I read it. No wonder it didn't make sense.] I really love it so I think you'll enjoy that one :D!

    and I'm making this comment huge... lol, Enjoy all of your books :D!

  6. Hey Paige, awesome books this week. I loved The Forest of Hands and Teeth and I really want to read Fracture, happy reading ;)
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  7. Awesome books! Fracture is amazing! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by ~ Donna

  8. You got some great books this week - I hope you enjoy them all!

  9. I hope you enjoy Fracture! and TFOU. Great haul girl x



I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)