
30 January 2012

It' s Monday What Are You Reading?

Hola my awesome followers =) Since i have internet back i'm going to be posting 5 days a week back to normal. So here we go it's time for my monday wrap-up! It's Monday What Are You Reading is created by Sheila over at Book Journey where we show off what we finished last week what we're currently reading and what we're reading next if you can get that far =D Anyways here's my wrap-up!

Finished Since Last Post-

Fracture By: Megan Miranda

I loved this book and hated it at the same time! But i still reccomend it to everyone because overall it's a good book. Here's my review

The Future of Us By: Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler

Before this i hadn't read any of either author but i think i'm probably going to be reading more because i loved this book! Here's my review.

Never Eighteen By: Megan Bostic

I just finished this one Saturday afternoon and it was a real tear jerker. Which is pretty good because usually books don't make me cry the last book i cried at was The Last Song By: Nicholas Sparks and i read that awhile ago. Anyways here's my review!

Currently Reading-

City of Ashes By: Cassandra Clare

Anathema By: Megg Jensen

Saving June By: Hannah Harrington

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

Daphne and The Mysterious Girls Secret Bathroom Society By: Robert Shields

And Then Everything Unraveled By: Jennifer Sturman

As you can see i am overwhelmed with books so i have no clue what i'll be reading next. Don't forget to leave links to your MondayWrap ups in the comment section!


  1. Nice! Those are new to me! Hope you're enjoying your reads!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Goodness! You have an ambitious book list for the week. Saving June is so wonderful, I'm sure you will love it! I hope you enjoy your books :0)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)