
09 January 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading??

Hi Followers! So before i say anything i've decided to change my goal for the year from posting every day to posting 5 days a week. So with that in mind here is the first post for this week. It's Monday What Are You Reading? hosted by Book Journey where we tell everybody what we've finished since last week, what were reading now, and what we plan to read next (if you can get that far) I love being apart of this meme every Monday because well it helps me keep track easily of everything i've been reading so without further adu here is my Monday wrap up!

Finished since last week:

Paradox The Angels Are Here (Paradox Series #1) By: Patti Roberts

I won this book awhile ago and i never got around to reading it until just last week. I read it and even though i enjoyed it like i said i was a little confuesed! The author though kindly gave me an e-copy of the second book to clear up my confusion! Thanks again Patti! =) Here's my review for this book.

Currently Reading:

Night World No. 1 (Night World Series #1) By: L.J. Smith

It's taking me a bit to read this book because it's really long its over 700 pages i'm pretty sure. But it's really good so far and i cant wait to write my review.

Bittersweet By: Sarah Ockler

I'm reading this book because it sounds like a really sweet little book and i'm also reading it for the DAC and the 2012 Contemporary challenge!

Anathema (Anathema Series #1) By: Megg Jensen

I can't remember if i won this book or bought it when it was free on Amazon but either way right now i'm on chapter 5 and it's really really interesting so far.

I hope you guys enjoyed my monday wrap-up don't forget to leave links to your Monday wrap ups in the comment section. I'll be sure to check all of them out!


  1. I should really read Night World sometime. I love L.J. Smith's writing style. It's so whimsical.

  2. Creative Spirit by Scott Nicholson. Love Night World!

  3. Ooh nice! Haven't heard of these but hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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