
16 January 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Good morning followers =) It's time for another addition of It's Monday What Are You Reading? which is hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey. This meme is where we basically wrap up all the books that we've read in the past few weeks. So this week i'm not sure if i've finished a lot this week but i'm pretty sure that i've finished at least one, so let's get started.

Finished since last post:

Nigh World No. 1 By: L.J. Smith 

Finally after a few weeks i finished this book. Now like i said before it didn't take me forever to read the book because i didn't like it it's just because it was really long. So anyways i really enjoyed the book and here's the link to my review. 

Currently Reading

Anathema By: Megg Jensen

This book is really interesting so far and i'm excited to see where it goes =) 

Bittersweet By: Sarah Ockler 

This book is so sweet and i'm excited to go read it right now so i can finish it before it expires of Pulse it! Wish me luck =)

Daphne and The Mysterious Girls Secret Bathroom Society By: Robert Shields

I was asked to read and review this book by the author i think a week ago so i started it a couple days ago. I'm not to far but it's good because i'm still turning pages =)

City of Ashes By: Cassandra Clare

I read City of Bones last summer and i fell in love with it which is why even though i have books before this one that i was so eager to pick this one up. So i started this one last night and I'm ready to devour it! 

Thanks for stopping by my Monday Wrap-up. I hope you guys all had an awesome reading week don't forget to leave links to yours in the comments below! ~Happy Reading~

1 comment:

  1. I still have yet to start L.J.'s Nightworld series! Have all 3 volumes on my TBR stack. wayyyy at the bottom since they were my first purchases from the tragedy of Borders closing! Plan to read them someday!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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