
05 January 2012

Swoon Thursday: Bittersweet By: Sarah Ockler

So today while at school i was think what am i going to do for a post today? Since you know one of my new year resolutions was to have at least one post everyday. So i was thinking about all the memes that i do or have done in the past and i rememberd Swoon! which is where you basically write down like a few lines from a book that make you swoon. I really like this meme because i'm always reading books that make me swoon =) so i decided i'm going to start participating again! Swoon Thursdays is created by the ladies over at YA Bound be sure to check out their blog its so cool! To find out how to participate and the rules click on the blog name YA Bound above and it will take you to their page.

Here's what i swooned over this week =)

bittersweet By: Sarah Ockler

"I'm cold and horizontal, helplessly pinned beneath a boy. A cute one. Our skates are all tangled up and our hearts are knocking against eachother like they're ready to take this outside. His fingers cradle the back of my head just over the cement-hard ice; with his free hand, he brushes the hair from my eyes and i blink."

Hot right? lol this happened just after they smashed into eachother while skating they don't even know eachother and were already swooning! I hope you enjoy this as much as i did! Thanks for reading! 


  1. Oh Wow! I think I'm going to have to read this. Very swoon-worthy! Thanks for sharing!

    My SWOON:

    New follower :)

  2. That is a great SWOON moment!
    I too really love this meme, the hardest part is picking which moment I should use each week.

  3. Oh! I love this swoon! It's very sweet, and passionate at the same time <3

  4. Definitely Swoon worthy! I Loooove Sarah Ockler! I can't wait to get my own copy :D


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)