
13 February 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Well hello awesome followers! It's time for another Monday Wrap-up. It's Monday What Are You Reading? was created by Sheila over at Book Journey. Each week we share what we finished last week, what we're reading now, and what we plan to read next if we can get that far! So here's my wrap-up.


Of Mice and Men By: John Steinback

This was a school requirement and i enjoyed it. It was a short and quick read. Here's my review

Currently Reading-

FireSeed One By: Catherine Stine

I'm only on chapter 4 but its interesting so far.

City of Ashes By: Cassandra Clare

I'm in the third part of this book and i'm really loving it!

Saving June By: Hannah Harrington

I'm getting towards the end on this one and it's really good.

Like normal i have no clue whats coming next so thanks for checking out my Monday Wrap-up! Leave your links below and happy monday!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice!! I can't seem to get much accomplished ever since I started working pt! Oh well. Happy Reading this week Paige!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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