
16 March 2012

In My Mailbox 26

Hey guys it's time for another In My Mailbox created by Kristi over @ The Story Siren. You guys know the deal so I don't think I have to explain it =) So this week I got three books and here's what they are. (Don't forget to leave your links below!)

Won from Goodreads:
Sing You Home By: Jodi Picoult

Won from Read. Breathe. Relax:
Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver

From DAC ARC Tours:
One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt


  1. OOoh nice! You seem to be on a winning streak Paige! Congrats!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I really have to pick up one of Jodi Picoult's books because they sound awesome !! I saw My Sister's Keeper movie adaptation and loved it so I'd really like to start with this one !!
    I'm currently reading Pandemonium and I'm a bit disappointed in it to be honest .. I'm hoping it'll get better :)!!
    Happy reading Paige :)!

    1. Thats what i'm worried about because i didn't care for Delirium too much! and definitely start with My Sisters Keeper its really good. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I wish I could go to a Dark Days signing. Have fun. So glad you are on such a winning streak. They are big fun.

  4. I still have not read Delirium, which I have!
    But I really want to get to it :) Awesome IMM!

  5. As long as you're not too attached to all the old characters, and follow Lena on her journey with an open mind it rocks. Thankfully, I got over my attachments to all the characters in Lena's, so I still found this to be a fab read :-). Haven't read the other two, though I love Jodi Picoult, even if - or because - she makes me cry!

    My IMM

  6. My computer won't play the video, it keeps saying an error occurred. But yay for your winnings! It sure seems like you win a lot of books! I haven't read Jodi Picoult but I have one of her books, maybe I should give it a try. I have Pandemonium and hope to read it soon!

  7. Great haul! I can't wait to read Pandemonium :D Thanks for stopping by my IMM post!!! Hope you enjoy reading all of your wonderful books.

    Kayla @ Simply Kayla's Book Reviews

  8. Woo hoo for all the wins! How awesome! I hope that you enjoy your new reads. :-D

  9. I still need to read Delirium. Man so many books on my TBR pile. Great haul of books.


  10. I loved Pandemonium! But it had a killer cliffhanger ending! I hear Jodi Picoult is good but her stuff is so sad I haven't read anything by her. Happy reading! Thanks for visiting My IMM!

  11. I tried reading Delirium when it first came out, but couldn't really get into it, but I'm a picky reader too. One For The Murpheys sounds pretty interesting.

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Livin' Life Through Books

  12. Great Haul!! One For the Murphy's looks AWESOME!!

    Come see what was In My Mailbox this week!

  13. Ohh, great mailbox :D Some great books you got ;) I hope you enjoy them all :)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  14. You won Pandemonium, ah! Envy envy envy, I really need to get one for myself. :)

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books
    Check my international giveaway!

  15. Congrats on all the wins! Pandemonium is brilliant! I hope you love it. Enjoy.

  16. It's always great when you win books. FREE, yeah!
    Enjoy and thanks for stopping my IMM this week.

  17. At least they finally sent it! You should have logged that they didn't, though!! I love Jodi Picoult. She's my favorite author. I'm so excited for her first teen release this June! Haha, yes, MY SISTER'S KEEPER made me cry, too. It's my favorite book ever by her!! That and KEEPING FAITH are my top two. Jodi recommended John Green's new book THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, which is supposed to be a mega tear-jerker! PANDEMONIUM, yay!!! I hope you enjoy it! I think DELIRIUM is my favorite of the two, but I liked both and cannot WAIT for REQUIEUM!!! She also wrote a middle-grade novel called LIESL & PO, which I think is so beautiful. I wish more people read it!!

    1. I know I was so excited to get her book in the mail I didn't know she was releasing a Teen Book i'm excited for that. I have The Fault In Our Stars which i'm hoping to get to soon and I've been wanting to read Liesel & Po because it sounds so good. I'm hoping to get my hands on it next time i get some money. Thanks for stopping by =)

  18. I've heard great things about Pandemonium! And Lauren Oliver is pretty awesome :) It looks like you have a great mailbox this week! Happy reading! Thanks for visiting my IMM!!

  19. LOVED Pandemonium!! Hope you enjoy! I actually liked it more than Delirium! :)

    I haven't read Sing You Home yet but I had the lovely opportunity to meet Jodi Picoult this past week!! (recap on my blog)

    Hope you enjoy all your books!

    Michele | IMM

  20. Very cool that you've won a couple of books! I feel like the Goodreads contests have so many entrants that the chances are slim, so you must be extra lucky :-)

  21. Is it bad that I've never read any of Jodi Picoult's books? O.o Have a great week :)

    1. Yes! lol you need to read some of her books.

  22. Congrats on winning great books. I haven't read Pandemonium yet, but from what I've heard it seems to be really good.

    Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!

  23. I need to get Olivers books, I have heard so many great things about all of her works

    Happy Reading

  24. Wow, congratulations on your wins, Paige! Those are both amazing books to have -- especially Pandemonium, because that book was honestly AMAZING and heartbreaking all in one (and of course, Lauren Oliver masters the gift of hair-pulling cliffhangers LOL)! x) And One For The Murphys sounds like fun too!

    Awesome mailbox this week, Paige! I hope you enjoy all of your books! :)

  25. I'm jealous that you got Pandemonium! Although I still haven't even read Delirium yet. And Sing You Home is a really good book. It was something different, and I really enjoyed it.

  26. Just recently read Sing You Home and loved it! Hope you do too! :)

    My IMM -

  27. Yay for Pandemonium! I finished it a few days ago and it AWESOME (of course I knew it would be!) Don't your love the DAC ARC tours? I have gotten some really amazing books from them so far! Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier, enjoy all your books!

  28. Oh! You won some great ones this week!!! I just finished Sing You Home and I LOVED Pandemonium!

    Thanks for stopping by LIO!

  29. YAYYYY!! SOOOO Jealous that you won Pandemonium!! Wicked!! Awesome Paige! Here's our IMM this week! Happy Reading!

  30. Wow awesome reads this week...I have yet to start reading Olivers book even though Delirium has been sitting on my kindle for the past few months.

  31. One of our reviewers read Sing You Home and really liked it - I haven't read any of Jodi's books yet, but I want to!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  32. Pandemonium!!! I need to get that book and read it! Great haul this week!

    Thanks for visiting my IMM.

  33. I have yet to read Delirium, I know something must be wrong with me for putting it off for so long! I have to read it soon though because I have a copy of Pandemonium on hold for when it comes in at my library. I hope you enjoy it.

    I've never read a book by Jodi, sad I know, I guess I just don't know where to start with her books and I normally don't enjoy chick lit stuff so who knows if I shall ever get around to her books.

    Hope you enjoy all of the books you won! Happy reading

    1. Well i heard that she's writing a YA book to come out in June and if you start with any of Jodi's books i would recommend My Sisters Keeper!

  34. I can't wait to read Pandemonium. I hope it's as good as it sounds. Enjoy!

  35. Hi Paige, thanks for dropping by! Wow, great mailbox this week, I'm so envious of your copy of Pandemonium; I've heard it's really good! <3 Happy reading ^_^

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian

  36. I've noticed Goodreads takes it times with the books, but at least you got it! And congratulations to your wins. :D Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy.

  37. I wasnt a fan of Delirium so I'm not planning to read Pandemonium but I do have Before I fall :)
    Enjoy your books

  38. Great set! Congrats on Pandemonium! I need to read Delirium still.
    My IMM

  39. This is great! I found your site ala blog-hopping from TheStorySiren's site. Nice books. I've been interested in Delirium, but not sure if I was going to check it out. I'm still on the fence, but Pandemonium sounds interesting. Hrmm! Not sure what I'm gonna do!

    Here's my IMM -

  40. Thx for stopping by! I will be reading One For the Murphy's too!


  41. Congratulations on your winning! I hope you enjoy them. I had to wait forever for a win from Goodreads also. I don't even bother entering really anymore!

    Happy Reading and see you next week! =)


  42. Awesome IMM! I want to check out Sing You Home; looks really good. Enjoy and happy reading!

  43. Awesome mailbox!
    I hope you enjoy all your books :)

    Nick @ Nick's Book Blog

  44. Awesome book haul.! I havent heard of these, but they seem interesting. I hope you enjoy them all!

  45. So lucky I want to read Pandemonium so bad, I LOVED Delirium! Happy reading! :)

  46. Some really great wins. Pandemonium is on my TBR list, hope you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by.

  47. Ooooooh, lucky have Pandemonium!! I have Sing You Home as well but haven't had a chance to read it yet.

    Enjoy your new books, and thanks for stopping by my (empty) mailbox, LOL!

  48. Love the vlog! Oooh ePandemonium :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

    The Muggle

  49. i'd like to try pandemonium. hope you enjoy your books!

  50. I can't believe I haven't read DELIRIUM yet, so I'll really need to do this later this year. :D Lovely books you got, so have lots of fun reading them and have a lovely week!

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

    Fictional Distraction

  51. AHHHH PANDEMONIUM!!! I'm trying really hard to restrain myself... I've got too big of a TBR stack...ok, plural- TBR stacks! I want it though! Hope you enjoy all your new reads! <3

  52. OHHHH! Pandemonium! I can't wait to buy my copy! :D *not lucky enought to win* :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  53. Yay, Pandemonium! I can't wait to read it, hope you like it! :)

    Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by! :)

    Monaliz @ Mind Reading?

  54. I'm anxious to read Sing You Home! Enjoy!

  55. I really LOVED Pandemonium!!
    Enjoy your new books!!
    Happy Reading!

  56. Pandemonium - I am quite jealous! I want to know so bad what happens after Delirium!!

    Happy reading!

  57. Congrats on winning Pandemonium! I want to read that one; it's been awhile since I read Delirium, though.


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)