
30 March 2012

In My Mailbox 28

It's finally Friday! Which means it's time for another In My Mailbox! created by Kristi over at The Story Siren, where we show off the books we got in our mailboxes this week! So this week is bigger then last week but it's still smallish which is good! So if you can't watch the video below you can click on the titles if the books and it'll take you to there goodreads page!

Bought from The Used Bookstore
Divergent By: Veronica Roth
A Man Named Dave By: Dave Pelzer

Won from Mist @ Bookaholics Bookclub (Watch the video to find out how I got the same package again!)
In Leah's Wake By: Terri Giuliano Long


  1. YEAHHH Divergent is awesome !! I'm sure you'll love it Paige .. I can't wait to read Insurgent !

  2. I read A boy called it a long time ago, it was ok. I love, love, love Divergent!!!
    Haha, that's funny you got your prizes twice! Better than not at all :) Hope you enjoy it now you have two copies lol

  3. Seeing that a lot of people got Insurgent yesterday in a "mysterious" package! I have yet to read the first one either, will have to look for your review to see if it's something I need to read! Happy Reading!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Ooh! I can't wait to read Divergent! I really hope that you like it!

    Wanna check out my IMM?

  5. Ooooh Divergent. That's a great book. I hope you like it!

  6. Divergent was great. Hope you enjoy it.

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Livin' Life Through Books

  7. Divergent is awesome, I hope you love it! Enjoy all your goodies!

    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    My IMM!

  8. I just got Divergent last month, and have not gotten around to it yet. I hope it lives up to the hype!

    Thanks for stopping by, and have fun reading! :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  9. Congrats on your wins! I loved Divergent.

    Hope you enjoy them!

  10. Yay! Awesome mailbox. <3 Divergent is still the best book there is. <3 Hope you love it :D Enjoy it all, sweetie ;)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  11. Enjoy Divergent!! It's so so good! I love it! :) ;)

  12. I hope you enjoy Divergent! I LOVED it and Four is one of my MANY book boyfriends. Happy reading :) New follower.

    Here's the link to my IMM...

  13. You got so many good books. Hope you enjoy all your books.


  14. I loved Divergent! Hope you enjoy it! I couldn't put it down. The other two books are new to me but sound awesome! Hope you enjoy them and thanks for visiting My IMM!

  15. Glad I'm not the only one who hasn't read Divergent. I really want to read it! Happy reading. :)
    My IMM 

  16. You know what I never realized. We are both on the same about of weeks doing IMM. HAHAHA Anyway, I hope you enjoy all your new reads.


  17. Divergent is absolutely fantastic! I really hope you enjoy it :D

  18. I loved Divergent it was one of my fav books of 2011, I can't wait to get my hands on Insurgent.

  19. Divergent is fantastic. Two of my friends are part of the Insurgent competition. SOunds fun.

  20. divergent is awesome!!! great books this week! enjoy! :)

    my IMM this week.


  21. That's so funny that you got all the same stuff twice! I agree- it is hard to giveaway books that have bee signed personally to you and which look different from each other- I am a bit of a hoarder and find it hard to give things away sometimes!

    New follower :-)

    My IMM:

  22. Divergent was Awesome!!!!!!!! I hope you like it! MY IMM is

  23. Hi Paige, I hope you enjoy the books you got in this week, I'm sure you won't be able to put Divergent down :)

    You can check out my IMM video and post for this week at the link below :) Happy Reading!!

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  24. I haven't read Divergent yet either, but I know I need to! I've heard really great things about it! ANd that's hillarious that she sent it to you twice! You can never have enough starbucks gift cards and awesome totes and bookmarks! hehe

  25. Loved Divergent! I can't wait to read Insurgent. I hope you enjoy!
    Thanks for visiting my IMM!

  26. I've been wanting to read Divergent!

  27. Funny about the duplicates, but so nice that she really wanted to make sure you got it! Hope you enjoy everything!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  28. Ooo Divergent! Love that book. I'm dying for Insurgent. Gah! ;)

  29. Thanks for stopping by! It looks like everyone is preparing for Insurgent. I have Divergent as a Nook book, but HAD to have a physical copy. LOL! Enjoy your books this week!

  30. Hope you love Divergent. It's the perfect time to read it, since the next book is coming out in May.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  31. DIVERGENT! Yay, Paige, I'm so happy that you finally have that book -- it's honestly one of my favourite reads from 2011 and I'm planning on re-reading it soon so I can get my hands on Insurgent! ;) Plus A Man Named Dave by a man named Dave makes me smile LOL!

    Awesome mailbox this week, Paige! I hope you love all of your books! :)

  32. You haven't read DIVERGENT!

    Hope you love it!


  33. oohh, Divergent, great pick! Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by my IMM Book Savvy Babe

  34. I have to get to Divergent too. Hope you enjoy it.

    My IMM
    Safari Poet

  35. I've not heard of The Lost Boy...sounds a great read even though a horrible thing that happened to him.

    I enjoyed Divergent, but I think the party is really going to get started in looking forward to it. I hope I can snare an ARC too:D


  36. Enjoy Divergent - I loved it!


  37. Aaaaahhhh!!! I really hope you enjoy Divergent! It's FANTASTIC :D I just finished Insurgent so the review should be up on the blog soon!

    Thanks for dropping by!

    Kristin @

  38. Yay for Divergent! I'm reading Insurgent now!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    :) Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

  39. I'm anxious to read Divergent as well!

    I read A Child Called "It" but haven't read any others in the series. It is a hard book to read.

    Hope you enjoy all your new books!

    Thanks for stopping by my mailbox!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)