
05 March 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hi guys! It's time for another It's Monday What Are You Reading created by Sheila over at Book Journey which is where we basically wrap up everything we've finished since the last post, what we're currently reading and what we plan to read next! So usually my load of currently reading is huge but i've cut down how many books i read at once to ease some reading stress. So without further adu here is my Monday Wrap-Up!

After The Snow By: S.D. Crockett

This one was interesting. I think I really didn't understand it in some places which is why I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. Here's my review

FireSeed One By: Catherine Stine

I ended up really enjoying this one which i'm really glad about because at first I thought I would be a little bored. My review will be up on March 15 which is my tour date.

The Calling By: Kelley Armstrong

Like I said in my review I can't get enough of Kelley Armstrong's writing, so as you can imagine I loved the second book in her new series =)
Here's my review

Clockwise By: Elle Strauss

I never though I would enjoy a story about time traveling as much as I did. I totally recommend it to anyone who enjoys that kind of thing but added to it was a little bit of romance!
My review will be up on my tour date which is April 27

Currently Reading-

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

I got this for review a bit ago and i'm hoping to finally get it finished soon!

The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain

I loved the first book in the Trilogy and I'm loving this one so far too!

I hope you all had a good week last week! Happy Monday =)


  1. Great reading week for you. I have yet to read a Kelley Armstrong book.

  2. OOh nice! Hope you enjoy The Lost Saint in its entirety! I can't wait to read the final one next week! Hopefully I'll finagle a way to get it into my reading schedule then! Already preordered my copy!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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