
14 March 2012

Review Copy Cleanup Mini Challenge #2

Nyx Book Reviews and Books, Biscuits & Tea have created a challenge that is happening right now, throughout the whole month of March. Inside of this challenge there are some mini-challenges and i'm here to talk about my favorite places to read for the second mini-challenge. Now I don't have a lot of variety for places to read but i'm going to show you two places where I read the most.

My Bed is the first place. The reason why I love to read on my bed is because I can read in so many positions! Haha that sounds weird but it's true. I can read laying down (back or stomach), and sitting up in a few different ways. Also my bed is really comfy =)

Lastly my chair. Yes I know this sounds even weirder but if i'm busy writing a paper or typing something and I need a break i'll just pull out a book throw my feet on the desk and read. It's usually only for a little while though because I can only sit so long without my butt going numb =)

I'm pretty sure theres still time to go sign up for this challenge which is really good so you should go and do that right now! I'm having fun so far too and i hope you guys will too!

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