
06 April 2012

Friendly Fire Book Tour: Guest Post

I hope you guys are ready! Because I have a fun post planned for you today! I am apart of the Book Tour for Friendlt Fire By: Lynn Seresin. I haven't read it yet so my review will be up at a later time but I do have a guest post for you today! So as you all know if you've read this series is the first book is called Thin Air and the two main characters are Alice & Daniel, and these two are the topic of my guest post today! Without further adu here is the Guest Post from Daniels Prospective! Which is titled:

Daniels feelings for Alice at the beginning of Friendly Fire
No doubt about it, Alice is the love of my life. If you met could meet her, you’d see what why she’s so special. Of course, she’s absolutely gorgeous—I mean, Victoria’s Secret, swimsuit model gorgeous—so I’m the envy of every guy in the room when I walk in with Alice on my arm. Not too shabby.

But it’s more than just her physical beauty that draws me to Alice. I love her warmth, her gentleness, her selflessness, and her simplicity. She’s not all about fancy brands, or going to the best restaurants because that’s where the celebrities go. Not Alice. She could care less about that stuff. In fact, she relies on Dante, our roommate and one of her closest friends, to pick out all her stuff. Not that he doesn’t do a great job. She always looks like a million dollars. She’s just not into all that girlie stuff, the way Delilah, my former girlfriend, was. In fact, Alice doesn’t wear a stitch of makeup, and I’d like it to stay that way.

Which brings me to one of my concerns. We’ve been together for about a year now, and I’ve noticed that Alice has started to change. Nothing all that dramatic, but since she got a job at the front desk of a local beauty salon, she’s been exposed a lot more to all the stuff that women do to make themselves beautiful. I think it’s started to rub off on her, and Arabella, one of the stylists at Scissor Sorcery, isn’t necessarily the best influence. I really like Arabella; don’t get me wrong. I think she’s really brought Alice out of her shell and given her a lot of confidence, which is awesome. But I don’t think she realizes just how impressionable Alice is. Alice really looks up to Bell, and I’m afraid it’ll change her. Make her more like other girls. It’s Alice’s differentness that makes me love her so much. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever been with. I just don’t want her to start acting like every other girl.

I’m also not sure how to deal with Alice’s powers. When I first met her, she seemed like an ordinary human, but when Delilah tried to kill us…well, that’s when I found out that Alice could move air. And her powers have really grown over this past year. One day, we were fooling around, and she threw me across the room just by raising her hand! Don’t get me wrong; she needs to be able to defend herself, especially since she never knows when she might meet up with one of Paralda’s assassins. But it’s kind of weird to date a girl that’s stronger than you are. I’m supposed to protect her, but she can do things I couldn’t even dream of. It’s all a little confusing, and I don’t know what the future holds. I only hope circumstances don’t pull us apart, because I could never find another Alice. Never.

I hope you all enjoyed Daniels little story here so now on to some cool stuff! Now it's time for the Grand Prize Giveaway! What can you win? Check out the pictures below.

This awesome necklace that looks a lot like the one that Alice would wear! All you have to do to enter for this grand prize is comment on all of the tour stops, and make sure you make it clear that your entering for the grand prize also be sure to read the giveaway details below!

Giveaway Details: This is open to US/Canada Only Leave a comment to enter and after the tour the winners will be selected by and announced on These Paper Worlds which is the site where this awesome tour started!

Extras: The Cover of Friendly Fire and where you can find it on GoodReads, and Amazon!


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