
09 April 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Woot Woot! It's time for another It's Monday What Are You Reading? Now normally I wouldn't be so happy because it's Monday but last night my new blog design was finished and put up and I loved it! So big thanks to Laura @ Pens & a Camera Lens Everyone let me know what you guys think of it! On to the meme. This was created by over @ Book Journey and what we do is basically wrap up the books we've read since last week! Here is my Wrap-Up!

 The Savage Grace By: Bree Despain

Absolutley loved the ending to this trilogy! I'm so glad that it wasn't a cliff hanger ending because that would of killed me!
Click on the title for my review!

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

So this one took me awhile to read and get into but by the first 150 pages I was hooked and I really loved hearing the story! My review will be up soon hopefully i'm trying to get in contact with the author now!

Currently Reading:
The Summer I Turned Pretty By: Jenny Han

Loving this one so far! I wish I would of saved it for summer though!

Up Next:
Divergent By: Veronica Roth

Cannot wait to dig into this one! I'm sure i'm like the last person on earth who hasn't read this yet!

Thanks for checking out leave your links below if you participated and also don't forget to tell me what you think of my new blog design!


  1. OOoh niiice!! I love the new look of your blog!! Very cool! Off to read your review of the Savage Grace, about to start that one!!

    And don't worry, I haven't read Divergent either! I'll wait for your review to see if it's something for me I guess! ;)

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Letters in Cardboard Boxes looks good - will be back to read your review.

    Hope you have a good week!
    Kristin @ Always With a Book

  3. I like the look of Letters in Cardboard Boxes....enjoy your reads!


  4. I loved the cover of The Summer I Turned Pretty By Jenny Han. Happy Reading!

  5. You have some great books! I loved Diverent and the Summer series. Enjoy the reads.

  6. I love the new design of your blog Paige :) !!

    The Summer series is one of my favourite contemporary series ever .. Book 3 is my favourite of the series !!
    I'm sure you'll love Divergent, it's amazing !!
    Happy reading ;)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)