
23 April 2012

The Light Tamer Book Tour: Excerpt/Giveaway

Good Morning Followers!! I have another surprise for you! Awhile back I was contacted and asked to be apart of the one day tour for The Light Tamer By: Devyn Dawson and I gladly accepted. So today I have an excerpt from the book and an Ebook giveaway for you!
The book sounds really interesting so I can't wait to share this excerpt with you so lets get too it!

Excerpt from The Light Tamer By: Devyn Dawson

“If you knew what I am thinking right now, you might get up and run away. So, I’m glad you don’t know,” he leaned forward putting his hands on his knees. I scoot closer to him and put my arm around his back. 

The feeling, oh that feeling it slips me into a bath of warmth. “Caleb,” I whisper, “what are you thinking?”

He turned to face me, his big brown eyes heavily hooded, he put one hand on my face and we both shuddered at the same time. “I want to kiss you, I want to feel what it’s like to have your lips on mine,” he whispers back to me.

I let out the breath I’d been holding. Is he serious? Caleb, this gorgeous guy wants to kiss me. I want him to, what if I do it wrong? I’ve never kissed someone before; do I smash my face to his? What if I make too much spit and it’s sloppy? What if I don’t know how?

“Jessie? May I?”

He leaned all the way in, and I lean forward to him and our lips met. Soft and warm, sweet, with a taste of peppermint. His hand is still on my face and that warmth has taken over my soul. Two people kissing for the first time. My tummy tingled, my lips almost burn at his touch and it was then, I hear him. I heard him inside my head, or inside his, I don’t know, but I heard him. He was thinking about how soft my lips felt, and how tongues grossed him out…but not now. He thought about my hair and how pretty my blonde hair looked draped across my tan shoulders. He thought about this moment was the best first kiss ever. His first kiss. I pulled back away from him. I look at his face and can see his admiration of me. Damn, that was great!

“This was your first kiss too?” I asked. “I heard you, at least I think I did.” I scoot closer to him on the boulder, as close as I can without touching him.

“I pray that is all you heard from me,” he admitted.

“I’ll never tell,” I taunt. “What happens now? I mean, you talked about your mom and how she died. What does that do?”

“We think that having two parents somehow protects us. We also think, or actually know that we inherited the gene from our paternal side,” Caleb said.

I look at him incredulously, I leaned back and crossed my arms. “We? Who is we?”

“After we find out what we are, we seem to have the ability to spot other SLIders without a problem. I met a girl at school, Amber, she is one too. She actually found a grimoire of sorts. The book has a lot of information about keeping your light. It is believed that each family has one that is handed down. I told my dad about it and he already knew. He says he saw a book with our surname on it but he doesn’t know what happened to it. Your grandma knows too.” Isn’t this turning out to be the oddest first date? I have my first kiss, find out I’m some type of light snatcher…crazed dark things are out to get me, and did I happen to remember that Caleb is hot?

“What does it all mean though? Who are the dark? Does the book tell you how to stop them?” I ask.

Caleb stood up and offered me his hand and helps me up. “When I hold your hand, it makes me feel…I don’t know. Less empty I guess. The Dark Ones aren’t kids. We think they are former Light Tamers that either never found their mate or had their lights stolen. Dad and I think they have a leader, we’re not sure though.”

“What is a mate?” I ask as I bend over to pick up a shell.

“Well, you and I are mates. It is when two Light Tamers are bound together by an event. When you drowned, that bound us together. When my mom died, it killed off the protection that my parents gave me, making me weak. Dad does his best to protect me, but seriously he can’t be with me all of the time. We’ve realized that at the school, there are teachers that are protectors of some sort. There are several Light Tamers at the school, but not all know it. The young ones don’t seem to know, and some of the other kids don’t either. It is confusing to keep it all straight in the beginning. Stick with me kid, I’ll keep you in the know,” Caleb said.

Yay!! I loved it now time for the giveaway! The Rules will be at the bottom of the rafflecoppter form below =) Also you can find the schedule for the tour here, and you can find the book on Amazon too!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for featuring my book The Light Tamer today. I hope everyone enjoys the book. xoxo Devyn

  2. Just stopping by to visit the other blogs on the tour. Nice site. I'm excited to hear you're writing, too. Good for you, Paige. Good luck. :)

  3. Thanks for the invite Paige, this book sounds really great! I'm entering! I look foward to your future works as well :0)

  4. I loved the except. It was so sweet!

  5. Congratulations Tayte!! Devyn


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