
22 April 2012

Review The Immortal Rules By: Julie Kagawa

The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
Publisher: Harlequin Teen 
Publication Date: April 24, 2012
# of Pages: 504
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Immortal Rules I have to say was very good and very interesting but it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. Now wait! Before you kill me, I'm not saying that I didn't like it because I totally did. Just a few things weren't what I expected and i'm about to tell you why! This story is about a girl named Allison who lives in a world dominated by vampires. As the book starts she is an unregistered human (which is basically one of those who refuse to aid the vamps by giving them her blood every month.) Anyways she lives in an old school with her friends well somewhat friends Stick the wimpy guy who really can't take care of herself, Rat (The annoying thief who they took in at the last minute), and Lucas (Allison's could be lover and the leader). I really can't go into more depth about the story because I'd give away too many spoilers but these are the characters of Part 1

Part 2 Allison finds herself in a sticky situation because she becomes something she thought she never would something that she absolutely despises. But she deals with it the best she can. Kanin takes Allie under his wing and teaches her everything she needs to know about her knew life. She learns slowly but surely and soon enough they part ways because of some problems (Even though I really liked him and thought they would be a cute couple!)

Part 3 Allie stumbles across a young boy about 5 or 6 named Caleb and he is lost luckily they find his family relatively quickly and Allie finds herself a new home. Which is when we meet Zeeke, Ruth, and Jeb there was so many more but those were the three biggest names. At first Allison finds it hard to fit in because of what she is but she does it and she finds herself falling for Zeeke! Which i was so excited about by the way. But the one person of the whole group who really hates her guts (Ruth) finds out what she is and exposes her which means she's once again alone.

Part 4 which is our last part Allie is following her old "family" which she just got kicked out of to make sure they make it to their destination but unfortunately she hits some bumps alone the way. Thats all I can say with out spoilers.

Now let me explain what turned me off about this book. I loved the characters and the plot of the book. But the fact that the book kept changing and I don't mean little changes like it was like you were reading a completely different book every time you entered a new part and I wasn't very fond of that at all, but I did keep going because I liked Allie and Zeeke and I wanted to find out the end for them. In the end I give this 4 out of 5 stars because overall it was dramatic and intense which is a very good combination.

View all my reviews


  1. You're ok, Miss Vain gave this 2.5 stars and we are all entitled to our opinions. I have yet to read this but now at least I don't feel as bad. Let's hope the movie will be better?

  2. Where's your reply? Anyway yeah there's going to be a movie, JKagawa announced it the other day and Twitter was buzzing about it! I was hoping it were Iron Fey but maybe that'll follow.

  3. Everyone's been talking about this one and it sounds like it's pretty good so I may have to check it out. Great review!

    New follower!

  4. Great review Paige, glad you enjoyed it and yes Id agree that this book was intense. I cant wait for the second book. x


  5. Glad you loved the characters .. Too bad there were some things that bothered you about this book .. I really look forward to read it. BOth the blurb and the cover didn't really interested me but everyong is raving about how good it is so I really have to pick up a copy :) !! Thanks for the great review Paige ;)


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