
27 May 2012

2 Awesome Book Promos!

Hello my awesome followers! You guys have been so awesome lately so I've decided to share with you two book promos that the authors have recently shared with me! So check out everything below and you can grab these two books for 99 cents and even for free!!

First up:
Unspoken Abandonment by Bryan A. Wood 

Book Blurb: (Taken from goodreads)
'Unspoken Abandonment' is the story of one man's struggle to return home from the war in Afghanistan, only to find the person he once was may never be the same. Bryan Wood is a military veteran who served during combat operations in Eastern Afghanistan. After returning from combat, he found that his life was falling apart at every turn, and Bryan faced the greatest battle of his life in finding his own peace. He surprisingly found the answer was hidden within a daily journal kept while at war, and Bryan's path ultimately led him to find redemption in the most unexpected of places: love. 

In a genre filled with war novels, 'Unspoken Abandonment' stands out as the work is brilliantly written, in a narrative form, which takes the reader on a breathtaking journey into the heart of Afghanistan. The reader is then taken back to America to face "life after combat." This story takes a head-on look at the powerful effects of war and post traumatic stress, but the true focus is on the inspirational triumph over this demon that haunts hundreds of thousands of America's bravest men and women. The story is captivating, the message is inspiring, and this is a "must read" for every American who cares to take an inside look at what our soldiers face on a daily basis. This amazing story will grab your attention immediately, and it is sure to keep you up, past your normal bedtime, for more than a few late nights of reading.  

(P.S. This is a true story! Which makes it appeal to me even more because I love true stories!) Here are some places where you can check out the book! Remember it's only 99 cents right now!

Second up:

The Bewitching of Alison Allbright by Alan Davidson

Book Blurb: (Taken from goodreads)
This is the tale of a girl who is intensely jealous of all the good times her classmates have but who cannot share them because her parents are not very well off. After a series of bizarre events, she experiences life with a rich mother but returns to her old life knowing that money was not the answer to all her problems. "The Bewitching of Alison Allbright" has been the subject of a mini- dramatization by The Book Tower. Alan Davidson wrote his first four books under the pen-name A.D. Langholm. He has also written a series of "Annabel" books.

P.S. the cover that you'll see on Amazon is way better then this one! It's one of the things that persuaded me to grab it! This one unfortunately is the only one I could find so it'll do! Anyways here are the places you can find the book and don't forget you can find it free right now on Amazon!

Thanks for stopping by everyone I hope you enjoy both of these books if you pick them up!!

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