
15 May 2012

Free Amazon Book!

Hi guys! I have a surprise for you! an author recently approched me and asked if I would announce on my blog that his book is free on Amazon and I said of course because who doesn't want a free book right?! So anyways here is the book!

Night of the Pruple Moon by Scott Cramer           Synopsis:
Space germs decimate the adult population. Who will survive?
For months, astronomers have been predicting that Earth will pass through the tail of a comet. They say that people will see colorful sunsets and, best of all, a purple moon.
But nobody has predicted the lightning-fast epidemic that sweeps across the planet on the night of the purple moon. The comet brings space dust with it that contains germs that attack human hormones. Older teens and adults die within hours of exposure.
On a small island off the coast of Maine, a group of teens and children struggle to survive in this new world, but all the while they have inside them a ticking time bomb - adolescence.

Sounds pretty interesting right? It is! So go check it out on Amazon right now because it's free today and tomorrow only! Don't think I'm one of those annoying ones who promotes a book she doesn't like because I'm so getting it on my Kindle right now =)

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