
07 May 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

It's Monday again everybody and you know what that means don't you? It's time for another It's Monday What Are You Reading? Hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey and what this meme is all about is us basically wrapping up our book week but showing you what we've finished in the last week. What we're currently reading and what were planning on reading next! So here is my wrap up for the week =)

Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

I finished this one on Friday and I really enjoyed it! Like I've said a couple times I never thought I would like a book about football as much as I did. You can check out my review here

Currently Reading:
The 58th Keeper by R.G. Bullet

I'm enjoying this one it's a more MG Fantasy but I love both of those generes so they fit together perfectly =)

Summer Boys by Hailey Abbott

So I started this one this weekend but I haven't gotten very far because I've been working on trying to finish The 58th Keeper!

Up Next:

Crazy Dangerous by Andrew Klavan

I need to read this one because the blog tour is coming up. Hopefully I'll be able to start it soon!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Leave me any links to your posts and I'll be sure to check them out =)


  1. Nice! Those are new to me! Hope you have a good reading week!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Hi Paige!

    thanks for stopping by. I really enjoyed Unbreak My Heart. here is the link to my review:


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)