
28 May 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hey peoples! It's time for another It's Monday What Are You Reading? created by Sheila over at Book Journey! Where we wrap up all of our bookish stuff each week. We show you what we've finished in the last week, what we're currently reading, and what's up next! Sounds awesome right? I think so, so here's my bookish wrap up =)

Crazy Dangerous by Andrew Klavan 

I'm so glad I signed up for the blog tour of this book because it was a really awesome thrill ride! I can't wait for my tour date so I can share my review!

Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer

As you guys know I read this one for school and it was pretty interesting but I gotta say I liked the movie way better.

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

This one was quick but it really makes you think which is one of my favorite things about it. Click on the title for my review =)

Cicada by Belle Whittington 

I finished this one Saturday and it's not what I thought it would be but that doesn't take away from the book at all! I enjoyed reading it and loved the characters! You can check out my review on my tour date!

Currently Reading:
The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Not being extremely pulled into this one yet but I think it's going to get better! I really hope it lives up to it's hype for me!

The Keeper by Natalie Star

I was asked to review this one awhile back and I'm finally getting to it!!!

Up Next:
Swoon by Nina Malkin

I haven't heard much about this one but i've had it for awhile so I figure I should see what it's all about =)

The Edumacation of Jay Baker by Jay Clark

I grabbed this one off of Net Galley awhile ago so I'm actually going to read it! =) Well that's everything! if you guys join in on It's Monday What Are You Reading? leave me a link and I'll check it out!!


  1. WOW you've had an awesome reading week! I wish I had that kind of luck :) I'm in the throe's of a reading slump that seems to not want to end :(

  2. Oh wow! You got a lot done! Kind of envious! Happy Reading this week!

    Here's my Monday wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Pretty cool reads! I got the Maze Runner in audio book so I can listen to it over my next trip :D
    Thx for stopping by!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)