
20 May 2012

Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck Review

Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck
Publisher: Sterling 
Publication Date: January 2011
Number of Pages: 403
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

***Spoiler Alert*** I'm so in love with Tigers after reading this book!! I was very hesitant about picking the book up because of well it's size and because I wasn't really sure if I would like it. But I'm glad i read it because it was fantastic! It was such a breath of fresh air because all the books i'd been reading were all men turning into Werewolf's but now men are turning into tigers and it's so awesome =) I liked the beginning who she started off needing a job and working at a circus for a few weeks I wasn't expecting that but it was fun. When she started hanging out with the tiger though i knew something was going to happen with her and the tiger. Something that I realized was pretty awesome. In the beginning of the book Ren (the tiger) got out of his cage and at first I was completely baffled as to how he got out but when he first turned into a man, I went back to that part and was like OHHH THATS HOW HE GOT OUT lol!

What can I say I'm a sucker for love and this book definitely has some freaking awesome love! Ren is so my new book boyfriend for the rest of the year! He was the sweetest guy ever and I gotta say when Kelsey kept trying to push him away I got pissed. I mean come on now this awesome guy is in love with you and wants nothing more then to be with you and your pushing him away?!! The one morning when she woke up on him and they got into that fight I wanted to reach in the book grab her shoulders and shake her yelling WHAT IN GODS CREATION IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! but I restrained my self and tried to think about her reasoning.

Mr. Kadam was such an awesome character!! At first I thought he was going to be some weird stalker guy but as the book went on he became more of a grandfather figure to Kelsey and I loved it! He was just about the sweetest character you could ever meet and I gotta tell you that I couldn't ever see him fighting with or yelling at Ren or Kelsey which I hope to never see. When Kishan (Ren's brother) came into the picture I was a bit scared because I thought it was going to be some kind of love triangle like in The Vampire Diaries and yes Kishan was like Damon but Kelsey only had eyes for Ren which really scares me because thats how it started in Vampire Diaries too =(

Anyways I give the book 4 stars because I absolutely hate the ending! I mean really these books are killing me! I seriously fell in love with Ren and Kelsey as a couple and it killed me when she just left like that I mean really!! and then at the end it said will Kelsey be with Ren or will she find someone else and I swear that made me want to throw the book somewhere unpleasant I can say if Kelsey goes with someone else i will not be reading the series anymore!! Just saying =) otherwise guys this really was a pretty freaking amazing book!

View all my reviews

**Chalenges this book goes to***


  1. Great review! I think it sounds pretty good, it's just such a shame about the ending! :( I think I'll definitely have to add this to my TBR now though!

  2. Awesome review!! Although I did skip the last paragraph as it started to get a little too spoilery. This is in my TBR pile and now I can't wait to read it even more!

    I heard that this was being made into something, either TV show or movie and I cannot recall which it is at the moment! Either sounds awesome as the book sounds awesome too!

  3. Sounds good yet frustrating lol

  4. ... I so love romantic stories with a twist of fantasy. i as well have books like that at home and i read them all over again. The story just sticks.

    i would try to look that book on bookstores, or if not then on the internet.

    190th follower here! hope to hear more from yah dear♥

  5. Awesome review Paige :) !! I absolutely love this serieS ... I'm actually reading the third book in the series right now (only one chapter left, which makes me really sad) !! I'm sooooo Team Ren too .. I look forward to know what you think of the next books in the series !Happy reading :)

  6. I really want to read this series! Ren sounds awesome but I heard that it does turn into a love triangle later with Kishan and I hate love triangles! I feel you! I always want to throw the book when there is a crappy ending. I'm used to the couple I want not ending up together but there are a few series were I literally stopped reading because I didn't like who they ended up with like the Hex Hall series and Shade series. I didn't read the last book in those series.


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