
18 June 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hi guys! Sorry that this post is up really late today but I forgot to write it up last night because I was busy celebrating my 16th birthday! but better late then never right? It's Monday What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila over at Book Journey where we show our awesome followers what we've finished in the past week, what were currently reading now and what we're reading next! So without furthre ado here is my Monday bookish wrap up!
The Raft by S.A. Bodeen

I got this one from an OUAT ARC Tours and I'm so glad I signed up for it because I loved it!! You can check out my review if you click on the title!

So Close To You by Rachel Carter

I got this one from DAC ARC Tours and I'm also really glad I signed up for this one because there was time travel baby! I'm in love with books that have time travel, I just love the suspense of them =) Click the title for my review.

Currently Reading:
Insurgent by Veronica Roth

The only reason why I'm still reading this one is because I had to put it down for my tour books but I'm finishing it today and sending it back to Angela from Reading Angel tomorrow or Wednesday so don't worry my review will be up this weekend =)

The Keeper by Natalie Star

I know I said I was going to finish this one last weekend but I didn't have time because of the tour books and my birthday but hopefully i'll be finished soon!

Silent Song by Ron C. Nieto

I'm reading this for a blog tour with ATOMR Blog Tours and it's okay so far but I'm only on chapter 5 so I need to give it a better chance =)

Now again I'm not going to do a what's next because I feel like when I say what I'm reading next it's a jinx or something because I never end up reading them lol so this week I'm keeping my mouth shut! If you guys have any sort of post like this link me up and I'll come check it out!


  1. OOh nice! I'm reading Divergent now! Not sure how soon I will get to Insurgent since I need to read another book or two before a signing and then it's back to the review pile!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I need to buy Insurgent already...I loved Divergent.

    Question for you, have you ever attended an author event (signing). If so, what did you think? If not, then I hope you get a chance to do so - they are fun, and can be inspiring for a writer such as yourself ....I see your writing a book.

    Have a fun week reading.


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)