
03 June 2012

June TBR

Well this is all the books I plan on reading this month! Quite a few I know but it is summer =) Leave me links below if you do a June TBR video or post =)


  1. The Maze Runner wasn't awe inspiring for me either. I liked the book but I just didn't see the amazing storyline that I wanted. My boyfriend read the entire series in a few days because he loved it but maybe I just need to keep reading in order to understand.

    Glitch looks pretty cool actually even though there are a ton of dystopians out right now.

    I hope you enjoy everything you are going to try to read this month!
    Good luck on finals!
    Thanks for stopping by my TBR Pile. I swear I need to get better about coming back to comment on your blog so I'm really very sorry about that!

  2. It was my first time ever doing this, but I actually posted a June TBR post...feel free to check it out:


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)