
26 June 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Good afternoon my lovely followers! It's time for Teaser Tuesday again! I'm sorry this wasn't up earlier, I completely forgot about it last night so I'm whipping it together right now! Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Should Be Reading where we give you guys awesome teasers from the books we're reading! Anyone can join you just need to follow these rules.
1. Grab your current read.
2. Open up to a random page.
3. Share two sentences from somewhere on that page.
4. Don't share any spoilers you don't want to ruin the book!
5. Lastly include the title and author so we can add it to our TBR pile!

Swoon by Nina Malkin

"Juking--that's dirty dancing," Momster translated for Mally, who lounged bleary amoung the rubble.
"I know what it is, Lesley. God."

Haha one of the funnier parts in the book. I'm glad I got to do a teaser tuesday for this one becaue I'm going to finish it tonight! If you do a TT leave me a link in the comments and I'll come by and check them out =)


  1. Haven't heard of this one yet but that's the awesome part of these memes. Finding new books!
    (New domain, same blog)

  2. Looks really good!

    Here's mine

  3. Dirty dancing! LOL That is how I dance!
    My TT

  4. Great teaser! I love books with random funny moments. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Cool teaser! I've heard this is a good book. Thanks for sharing, Paige!

  6. It is a funny teaser. I haven't seen this book, it looks interesting. =] Thanks for sharing and visiting my TT. =] Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

  7. I haven't heard of this one yet either. Looks interesting. Thanks for sharing and thanks for popping by my blog.

  8. Great teaser, and awesome cover! I'll have to go check that book out. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog as well!

  9. LOL Great teaser! I hadn't heard of this one before so thank you for sharing! :)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)