
21 June 2012

What's Next? (2)

Hi again! Today I'm participating in What's Next? again hosted by IceyBooks. What you do is pick 3 or 4 books that you need to read but can't choose between and your followers will choose for you! I love that idea which is why I'll be participating in this new meme when I need to have books picked! This week I'll have two of the same books since last time and two new ones the reason being because the two old ones tied two weeks ago! So here are the books!

So those are my picks for this week leave your votes in the comments below and I can't wait to see what you guys are going to pick!!


  1. The Statistical Probability of Love At first Sight! I'm SO going to do this meme! Can never decide what to read next! Lol! Enjoy your books! :)

  2. TOTALLY go for Pushing the Limits!!!!! I loved that book to pieces, and I don't normally read contemporary much, let alone love it. So seriously! Go read Pushing the Limits!

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

  3. Definitely The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight!!! I devoured that book when I read it. Soooo good!

  4. Pushing the Limits 100%. I absolutely loved it.

  5. Pushing the Limits.I love the cover too.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  6. All of the covers look amazing! I would probably go with The Statistical Probability....

  7. I would go for "The Forest of Hands and Teeth".

    Otherwise "The Statistical Probability" only because I don't want to read it but I'm interested to hear what others think about it (I've heard so many mixed reviews).

    Anyhoodle! Great blog! New follower!

  8. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight! It was so adorable! I feel like not enough people have read it, and it's been one of my favorite realistic fiction reads of the year!

  9. It's between The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight or Pushing the Limits! They are both very cute, but also very different love stories!

  10. The statistical probability of love at first sight. It's really beautiful :) and John Green agrees with me (O:44) ;)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)