
31 August 2012

Shift Tour: This or That Interview

Hello everybody, Today Comfort Books is participating in the Shift by Raine Thomas tour. Hosted by YA Bound (if you haven't been to there blog seriously go check it out because it's awesome and pretty too!) I have my favorite kind of interview for you today which is a This or That Interview! But before we get to that let's check out the book and meet the author shall we?

Shift by Raine Thomas (#2 Firstborn Trilogy)
Synopsis: Having the ability to shapeshift, Sophia is familiar with change. But even she feels the rising tension in her homeland.

A shadowy male and deadly beast reside in their midst. The births of the newest Kynzesti loom. Hostile Mercesti continue to hunt for the Elder Scroll, and a traumatized female is too afraid to use her abilities to stop them.

Topping off Sophia’s stress is Quincy, the male she’s convinced can’t stand her. She rues the loss of their friendship, but can’t figure out how to move past it. She’ll soon learn, however, that mending that rift bears more significance than she ever imagined.

The search for the Elder Scroll takes on unexpected urgency, and Sophia finds herself in a race across the mainland. To stop the Mercesti led by Eirik, she and her companions must get past their differences and unite against them. If they don’t, Eirik will acquire the immense power he seeks, and two of the beings Sophia loves most will die.

Meet The Author:

Raine Thomas is the author of the exciting and original series of YA fantasy/romance novels about the Estilorian plane. Her passion for writing prompted her to earn her bachelor’s degree in English with a focus in Creative Writing from Georgia State University, then her master’s degree in Humanities from Central Michigan University. She is also a proud member of Romance Writers of America.

Residing in Orlando, Florida, Raine is a hopeless romantic with a background in the fields of mental health and wedding planning…two areas that intersect far more than one would think. Her years working with children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral challenges inspired her to create young protagonists who overcome their own conflicts. When she isn’t writing or glued to e-mail or social networking sites, Raine can usually be found vacationing with her husband and daughter on one of Florida’s beautiful beaches or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and relatives.

You can find the book in the places below:
You can find the author in the places below:
This or That Interview:
P: Sneakers or Flip Flops?
R: Here in Sunshine state, it's all about the flip flops.
P: Pens or Pencils?
R: I prefer pens... especially ones in fun colors, like purple.
P: Eek! I love purple =)
P: E-books or physical books?
R: Gah! This is such a hard question! I'll go with e-books because I can take so many with me at once.
P: Night or Day?
R: I'm at my most functional during the day...and even then, I require copious caffeine consumption.
P: Chicken or Tacos?
R: Tacos! I think this is my favorite food in the whole world.
P: Now I want to read your books even more because you love tacos!
P: Rain or Sunshine?
R: I love the rain. This is fortunate, since it rains nearly every summer afternoon here in Central Florida.
P: Clean or Messy?
R: Clean! Of course, I've got a six-year-old, a dog and a cat. "Clean" is relative.
P: Edward or Jacob?
R: Team Edward, baby.
P: Books or Movies:
R: Books.
P: Female Main Characters or Male Main Characters?
R: I'll say female main characters...though my next series features a male protagonist!
P: Thanks so much for being here with us today Raine! I hope to check out your books soon! Before you leave be sure to check out the giveaway below =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for participating in the SHIFT tour, Paige! How cool that we both love the color purple, eh? :)

  2. hahahah looved the this or that interview! lol @ team edward! and yeaaa for flip flops! Great interview and thanks for giveaway! please check my giveaway as well!
    - Farah @MajiBookshelf


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)