
16 September 2012

Early Review: Alice In Zombieland by Gena Showalter

Alice in Zombieland
by Gena Showalter
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: September 25, 2012
Number of Pages: 404
Book Format: ARC
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received Alice In Zombieland from Around The World ARC Tours for an honest review.

I haven't read many Zombie books but I'm so glad that I picked this one to read because it was phenomenal! This is about a girl named Alice "Ali" who lives at home with her parents and her little sister, but there family is different from anyone else because they don't go out at night, ever! The reason being Ali's father has this horrible fear that the "Monsters" come out at night and they will destroy his family. After a bad car accident Ali is determined to take down as many zombies as possible.

I'm so in love with this book! The plot was fantastic I mean of course zombies are pretty interesting but Showalter did a pretty good job in making this unique to all the other zombie novels out there. Another thing I liked about the book was the different chapter names! Some of them were so cute like A Fiendishly Mad Tea Party (all the chapters related back to Alice In Wonderland which was pretty cool)

The characters in this book were pretty cool also. Ali was strong and I loved how much she wanted to make things right for her family. Cole who happened to be the love interest in the story started off as someone I thought would be rude and hurtful through out the whole book but he developed really nicely and I ended up falling in love with him. My favorite sub character was Kat who was Ali's best friend, I liked her because she was so witty and never backed down from anyone and always stuck by her friends no matter what.

In the end this amazing book gets a 5 out of 5 stars because it was flat out fabulous!!

View all my reviews


  1. Weee! I'm going to ask our library to get this one, from the other reviews I also read it seems like the zombie part isn't hard core and Gena maintained the thought-provoking part of the original story. Fab review!

    Talk Supe
    Reader Tribute

  2. Great review! This sounds SUPER original and I love all things Alice related!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  3. I've been reading more positive reviews than negative ones and I'm pretty excited to read the book. Also, reading in your review that the character of Ali is strong is something to look forward to!

    Great review, Paige.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  4. I'm so bummed that I didn't enjoy this one as much as everyone else did. The cover is so gorgeous though.
    I'm glad you liked it :-)

  5. I forgot all about this one. I plan on reading it next. Glad you liked it. I honestly don't even care what it's about, just look at that pretty cover!!!

  6. Great review, sweetie :D Glad you liked this book. <3 Cannot wait to read it myself :)

  7. I'm a bit reluctant to read zombie books but this one sounds beyond awesome !! I look forward to pick up a copy. Glad you loved it so much !!

  8. Ok, now I REALLY want to read it! Maybe I'll just buy it as a HC w/o reading it first! Thanks for the review!

  9. Everyone is raving about this one and I think I need to give it a try. I'm not a huge Zombie fan but it sounds like this takes the whole zombie thing to a different place which I'm excited to see.

    Thanks for the great review, glad you loved it!


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