
08 September 2012

In My Mailbox 51 + Weekly Wrap Up

Hello all! It's Saturday morning and I'm throwing this post together quickly because I have another post going up in like an hour so I want people to be able to see this one for a little while! Anyways In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren where we show off all the books we get each week!

AToMR Blog Tours:
Nerve by Jeanne Ryan

Won from Rhiannon @ The Diary Of A Bookworm
Fracture by Megan Miranda
Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter

Won from Random Buzzers:
Every Day by David Levithan

Around The World ARC Tours:
Alice In Zombieland by Gena Showalter

DAC ARC Tours:
Confessions of an Angry Girl by Louise Rozett

Weekly Wrap Up:

None =(

August Wrap Up

Blog Tours/Hops:
Reflection Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway
Wish I Could Have Said Goodbye Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway
Dissolve Tour: Road Trip Playlist

Reflection Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway
Wish I Could Have Said Goodbye Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway


  1. Confessions of an Angry Girl was AWESOME! really enjoyed it! and I can't wait to read Nerve! has been on my wish list for the longest time.

    enjoy all your books!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. Enjoy your Books! I am for one excited to read David's book :)

  3. I really want to read Fracture and Goddess Interrupted was okay. I've heard great things about David Leviathan's writing, but haven't read any of his books. Great haul and thanks for stopping by mine!

    My Haul

  4. Alice in Zombieland was very good. I hope you enjoy it as well. I always seem to rush to get my STS post I understand.


  5. Congrats on all the wins hun!! Great haul! I really cannot wait to hear your thoughts! Thank you for stopping by and happy reading :).

  6. I LOVED Every Day! So amazing! I plan to read Nerve soon. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Awesome haul!! I looooved Alice in Zombieland! I was quoted in that one! Still giddy over that!! Also adore Aimee Carter's series!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I can't wait to read Alice in Zombieland! It sounds amazing...and I have heard great things about it! Plus I LOVE Gena Showalter! Amazing haul this week! :D

    My StS post! 

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair

  9. Thanks for stopping by today! I'm SO jealous of Confessions of an Angry Girl AND Alice in Zombieland!!!! AWESOME!!!
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  10. Wow you got some awesome books! Every Day is supposed to be great and I'm dying to read Alice in Zombieland. Enjoy them all! Happy reading :)

  11. Congrats on your wins! You're so lucky to have gotten that Showalter YA book.

    Happy Weekend!

  12. Nice stack! I've been seeing Every Day and Confessions of An Angry Girl everywhere. Will have to see if Every Day is in my library. Nerve looks like a good one too.

    Thanks for stopping by
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  13. Awesome haul this week! I really enjoyed Fracture and Alice in Zombieland so I hope you like them too.

    - Sam @ Falling Books

  14. I really liked Goddess Interrupted! Hope you do to.


  15. Great books this week. I have heard such good things about Every Day and Alice In Zombieland. I need to read both of those soon. Happy reading!

  16. Hey Paige!

    Great looking haul this week. I hope you'll enjoy them all. ;)

  17. Great books! Every Day sounds especially interesting. Hope you like it. :)

  18. Great haul this week, Fracture and Goddess Interrupted are great reads.

    Thanks for stopping by my haul.

  19. Fracture is AMAZING, I hope you enjoy that one. I really want to read Alice in Zombieland and Confessions of an Angry Girl... they look amazing! :D Enjoy your reads, and thanks for stopping by my SS :) x

  20. Great haul Paige! I also got Every Day this week and I am so excited to read it! I actually met David Levithan last week and he was super amazing! Enjoy all of your awesome books! Happy Sunday!

    My IMM-

    McKenna @ Young at Heart

  21. Lucky you for getting a copy of Nerve. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for stopping by my STS post. I hope you come visit me again soon!

  22. I've heard a lot about Every Day these past few weeks, so it looks absolutely fantastic! :) I hope you enjoy that and all your other fabulous reads this week! :D

  23. Yay! You got Fracture! I really ended up loving that book and I was super surprised by how strongly I felt about it. Alice In Zombieland also looks superb. Hope you enjoy them all!

  24. Awesome book haul! I still need to read my copy of Fracture. I've heard amazing things about Every Day. Enjoy the books!

  25. I loved Every Day and can't wait to read Alice!!

    Our Media Mail post is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  26. I loved Fracture! and I can't wait for my copy of Every Day to arrive. I still can't get over how gorgeous the cover is. Alice In Zombieland has been on my wishlist for months! you're so lucky :)
    Anyway, Happy Reading!

    Teen Readers' Diary

  27. Whoo hoo! I can't wait for Every Day! I hope you enjoy it. I liked Fracture too. I can't wait for Megan's new book to come out. Thanks for dropping by.

    Giselle from Book Nerd Canada
    Stacking the Shelves #19

  28. I loooove your haul!! Especially Goddess Interrupted (I STILL need to read that!) and Alice in Zombieland! I read Confessions of an Angry Girl a few months ago and really loved it! It's a sweet, fun, but also emotional read. I hope you enjoy all your books! :) I can't wait to see what you think of Alice in Zombieland!

    P.S. When I first got to your page it said "Your comment has been published", but it said that before I even posted my comment. I didn't comment twice--did I? I'm having a major mind****.

  29. Great mailbox :D Jealous about Alice in Zombieland. <3 Hope it will be awesome ;p Also. Fracture is really great :D Hope you enjoy it all :)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)