
22 September 2012

In My Mailbox 52 + Weekly Wrap Up

Hello all! I'm here for another In My Mailbox, created by the lovely Kristi over at The Story Siren! and this meme is all about showing off the books we get each week! So without further adu here are the book I've gotten this week and my weekly wrap up!

DAC ARC Tours:
Chasing The Skip by Janci Patterson
My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris

For Review:
Madly & Wolfhardt by M. Leighton

What Happens Next by Colleen Clayton

Weekly Wrap Up:

Alice In Zombieland by Gena Showalter
Nerve by Jeanne Ryan
Confessions of An Angry Girl by Louise Rozett

Blog Tours/Hops:
The Unsacred Gift Tour: First Chapter + Giveaway
Cover Reveal: How To Marry An Alien by Magan Vernon
Careful Tour: Promo Post




  1. WOW What a great haul !!! I'm dying to read What Happens Next and you're so lucky to have bookmarks !! Happy reading Paige ;)

  2. Been hearing good things about My Super Sweet 16th Century. Great haul. I always like seeing what people get.


  3. Great haul this week! I'm dying to read Chasing the Skip. I just love bounty hunters. And What Happens Next has me very intrigued and Super Sweet 16th Century looks very cute! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  4. I haven't heard of any of these books, but some sound pretty good :) Thanks for stopping by!

    My haul :)

  5. OOh nice haul! Those are new to me! Hope you enjoy them all! Congrats on your win too!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Great book selection. I haven't heard of any of those before. Will have to check out Chasing The Skip and What Happens Next.

    Thanks for stopping by
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  7. I have to go read your review of Alice in Zombieland! I can't wait to get my hands on that one. Plus, the cover is off the charts! I see you're reading Pushing the Limits too! That's one I can't wait for too! Happy reading chica! Thanks for stopping by Libby Blog.
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  8. Awesome books as always darlin, enjoy!

  9. I'm not familiar with any of your choices but happy reading!!

    New Follower!

    My StS can be found @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  10. Great haul! I can't wait to hear about My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century! I've been looking forward to that one!

  11. I've seen a lot of My Super Sweet on everyone's IMM. I really want to read it. I hope you'll enjoy all your books this week.

  12. I've heard some great things about My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, I might check it out soon.

    Enjoy your book!
    Sam @ Falling Books

  13. SO love Madly & Wolfhardt! Hope you enjoy it.


  14. I loooved What Happens Next! It was such a powerful and compelling read and my review for it is going up this week, so congratulations on winning it! Happy Reading! :D

    Ivy Book Bindings

  15. You have some great books this week. I'm looking forward to My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century. Looking forward to your review!

    Thanks for dropping by my IMM!

  16. My Super Sweet Sixteenth was FREAKING AWESOME. Hope you'll like it too! :D

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books

  17. Enjoy all your books - What Happens Next looks awesome :)

  18. Looks like you got some fun books! Enjoy!

  19. I've been hearing good things about the Rachel Harris book, and I'm really curious about Madly and Wolfhardt, I keep seeing it around. Happy reading, Paige!

  20. Chasing the Skip has been catching my eye lately, so I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it!
    I LOVE M. Leighton, I loved Madly, so I need to read Wolfhardt soon (Madly is seperate on the kindle versions)
    Great week!

  21. My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century has been quite popular lately! And again, great haul :) I hope you enjoy them!

  22. My Super Sweet is such a good story. I hope you enjoy it and all the other books. Happy Reading!

  23. I really enjoyed My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century. It's a cute read. I hope you like it too. Happy reading :)

  24. I so badly want to read My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century! Lucky! :D Thanks for stopping by my SS :)

  25. I actually haven't heard of many of the books you got this week. My Super Sweet looks really cute though. Hope you enjoy them all!

  26. Great mailbox :D Haven't read any of these books, but they do seem great :) Enjoy ;p
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  27. Great weekly wrap up. ;) Loved your review for Alice in Zombieland.

    - Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)