15 September 2012

In My Mailbox e-book edition (4) + Weekly Wrap Up

Hello all! Sorry that this is going up a little late but I had a post of Friday and didn't have anything for Saturday so I figured I'd save it for today! Anyways this week I didn't get any physical books but I did get some pretty e-books so I'll show you those instead! Here they are.

All Hallows' Moon by SM Reine

Freebie I got off of Amazon! (Most of these will most likely be freebies!)

Bad Apple by Barbara Morgenroth

Kind of a small picture but it's the only one I could find!

Caught by Logan Rutherford

The cover I have on my kindle for this one is so much better!

Dark Before Dawn by Stacy Juba

I think the cover on this one looks really eerie! I like it.

Earth by Shauna Granger

This has a really pretty cover!

Weekly Wrap Up:

Madly by M. Leighton
Glass Boys by Nicole Lundrigan

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Blog Tours/Hops:
Breaking Lauren Tour: Excerpt
Sneak Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway
Chasing McCree Tour: Book Spotlight + Giveaway
LM Pruitt Promo Event: Author Interview
Flight Tour: Excerpt
Cover Reveal: Fireblood by Trisha Wolfe

Sneak Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway
Chasing McCree Tour: Book Spotlight + Giveaway


  1. Ooh interesting reads! Haven't heard of any of these but I hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Hm, I haven't heard of any of these either, but they all look really good. Especially All Hallows' Moon.

    Stop by my IMM?: http://dream-wish-live.blogspot.com/2012/09/in-my-mailbox_14.html

  3. Looks like you got some great new books!! Enjoy!!
    Here's my IMM:

  4. I haven't heard of any of these, but I like the look of them all. The covers are gorgeous :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)x

  5. Lookin' good Paige. Hope you enjoy.


  6. All Hallows' Moon looks gorgeous. Hope you enjoy all your books this week!

    Thanks for dropping by my IMM!

  7. Another awesome haul! I hope you enjoy it.

  8. What a great haul :) !! I look forward to read your reviews on all of these books. Happy reading Paige !!

  9. i haven't heard of these titles but they look really good. awesome books this week!! hope you enjoy them all and happy reading :)

    Our StS.


  10. I have only heard of Earth before but Dark Before Dawn looks really good. Enjoy your haul! =D

    Here's my Book Haul post.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  11. These look really good, Paige! The only one I'd heard of before was Earth, but now that I finally have an e-reader I'm going to have to start getting more ebooks. Happy reading! :-)

  12. I think Earth sounds really good! I really like the cover for Bad Apple, too :0)

  13. Dark Before Dawn sounds good! I won it a long time ago and still need to read it. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Nice haul! I hope you enjoy all your new reads I've heard great things about Earth! +New GFC follower :)

    Check out my IMM post :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  15. I've heard good things about All Hallows' Moon. I hope you enjoy all the books!

  16. Nice Mailbox! Did you ever end up getting a copy of Fang Girl? If not let me know--I believe I have an extra

  17. A big cheer for freebies! I had to stop getting them all, or I'd have enough books to read from now until the apocalypse.

    Hope you enjoy all of your books (:


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