
05 September 2012

Wish I Could Have Said Goodbye Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Hi everybody! I'm wicked excited about today because it's the day Comfort Books participates in the wish i could have said goodbye by Shari A. Brady tour, hosted by IOB Tours! I haven't gotten a chance to read the book yet but I'm hoping to soon because it looks and sounds really good. Anyways today I have for you an interview and a giveaway but first check out the book!

wish i could have said goodbye by Shari A. Brady
Synopsis: Before my older sister Francesca died, I worked at the bakery and wrote songs, but now I write lists. Lists like ten reasons why it's my fault Francesca's dead, or five reasons why I should try and win Howie back, or one reason why I need to stop lying to everyone, including myself.

Wish I Could Have Said Goodbye is an extraordinary novel about one family's struggle to make sense of their world after losing a family member to addiction. Through sixteen-year-old Carmella's eyes, we witness the courage and strength it takes to overcome the consequences of grief, guilt and co-dependency. WIth conviction and determination, Carmella shows us what can happen when we're open to love, feel the pain of our loss, and find the courage to accept the truth of our lives.

You can find the book in the places below:
Barnes & Noble
Meet The Author:
Shari A. Brady is a native Chicagoan and previously had so many careers she's lost count. A graduate of Loyola University's Business School and University of Chicago's Creative Writing program, she's finally a full-time writer, a dream she's carried with her since she was twelve. She lives in suburban Chicago with her awesome husband, two of the best kids ever, and their shelter dog, Betty Queen Elizabeth. This is her first novel and her last career.
You can find Shari on her website!

"Wait," I say. "Can I have that one?"
Mom clutches Francesca's shirt. "This old thing? Why would you want this?"
"Because it was her favorite."
Mom passes me the shirt. "Okay." She shakes her head.
Holding it up to my nose, I smell Francesca and for a tiny fraction of a second, I ger her back.

Giveaway: (P.S. After you leave here check out the next few stops! which are below)
Next Stops:
Soliloquoy (Review)
Black Hippie Chick's Take on Books & The World (Review, Guest Blog, Book spotlight, Giveaway)
Stressed Rach (Review & Giveaway)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've not read this book but it sounds good..thanks for the giveaway. :-)

  2. I love your excerpt


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