
21 October 2012

Determinant Tour: Author Interview

Hey my lovely followers I hope you are having a lovely sunday monday morning! Today Comfort Books is apart of the Determinant tour hosted by Abby @ Bookshelf Confessions Anyways heres a little about the book then I'll throw the giveaway at you!

Determinant by A.M. Hargrove
Synopsis: January St. Davis, on her own since the age of sixteen and struggling to stay in college, thinks she’s scored in a major way when she lands a paid summer internship at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. One evening, after working an especially long shift, a chance encounter with a group of mysterious men alters the course of her life.

Rykerian Yarrister, a Guardian of Vesturon with unearthly powers and impossibly gorgeous looks, finds himself at odds over the human female he recently saved from certain death. When it seems he is on the verge of winning her over, she is ripped from his hands by a strange and powerful being, threatening to destroy her if his demands are not met.

Do Rykerian and the Guardians have the ability to meet this fierce barbarian’s ultimatums, or will January suffer a horrid demise?

Author Interview:

P: What made you want to be a writer?
A: I've always wanted to write. I minored in journalism in college (I was only one class short of a double major in it) and I thought I wanted to write advertising copy. But life throws you curve balls, so my career veered off in an entirely different direction and I ended up working for a major pharmaceutical corporation. After over twenty years in the industry, my company was taken over by another larger one and my division was eliminated. So I decided to make a complete career change and that's how I ended up becoming a writer. The desire was always there, but the time wasn't. Now I had the time so I decided to use it to my advantage.

P: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
A: Read and write as much as you can. Enter writing contests. Write short stories, novellas, anything that can get your feet wet. Join Goodreads and meet other aspiring authors. Connect with writers and ask them to read your work. Have other writers critique your work. Never stop reading. That's one thing that I miss as a writer. When I'm in the middle of a project, I get so involved that my time becomes very limited, so the only chance I have to read is at bedtime. It's never enough. I've always been a bookworm so I miss not being able to read every spare minute I have. Now I write during every spare minute!

P: Where is your favorite place to write?
A: I don't really have a favorite place. I use a laptop so I can write anywhere. My favorite place is anywhere there are no distractions!

P: Do you like to read as well as write? If so what type of genres do you like to read?
A: Yes!!! I love almost anything, but admittedly, I am a true romance lover at heart!

P: What can we expect from you in the future?
A: I just sent my first adult romance novel off to my editor. It's called Dark Waltz and it's the first book in the Praestani Series. It's based on Jurek, a character I introduced in Determinant. I expect to have that out in November. I also started working on reEmergent, book 4 of The Guardians of Vesturon, which is Xarrid's and Saylan's story. That should be out in early 2013.
**Speed Round**
1. Paperback or Hard cover?
E-Book…sorry. Just love the digital thing…what can I say?

2. Elmo or Barney?
Elmo all the way :-))

3. Cheese-It's or Goldfish?

4. Pens or Pencils?

5. Paper or Lap top?
Lap top

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Paige! Thanks so much for being a part of the Determinant/ I Luv Tours Book Tour and featuring me on your totally awesome blog! I enjoyed visiting with you here and I hope we get another chance to catch up again real soon :-)) Annie xx

  2. Great post Paige, really wonderful, fun interview! I will have to check out this book soon :)


  3. Sounds like a great book! I enjoyed the interview!


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