
01 October 2012

Her Loving Husbands Curse Tour: Author Interview

Hello everyone! Today Comfort Books is participating in the Her Loving Husband's Curse by Meredith Allard tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours! and today I have an interview for you! But first here's a little about the book.

Her Loving Husband's Curse by Meredith Allard
Synopsis: How far will you go to protect the one you love?

Finally, after many long and lonely years, James Wentworth’s life is falling into place. Together with his wife, Sarah, the only woman he has ever loved, he has found the meaning behind her nightmares about the Salem Witch Trials, and now they are rebuilding the life they began together so long ago.

But the past is never far behind for the Wentworths. While Sarah is haunted by new visions, now about the baby she carried over three hundred years before, James is confronted with painful memories from his time with the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears. Through it all, the persistent reporter Kenneth Hempel reappears, still determined to prove that the undead walk the earth. If Hempel succeeds in his quest, James and Sarah will suffer. Will the curse of the vampire prevent James and Sarah from living their happily ever after?

Author Interview:

P: I live in Salem, NH but when I say Salem people always ask about witches until I correct them. So I have to ask what made you want to write about the Salem Witch Trials?

M: I decided to write about the Salem Witch Trials by accident, actually. I was deciding on a setting for my vampire story, and I thought a northeastern setting would be nice. I pulled up a map of the U.S., looked over the northeastern states and saw Massachusetts. I already knew my main character, James Wentworth, was going to be a college professor, so my thoughts turned to Cambridge, MA and Harvard. But as I was looking at a map of Massachusetts I saw Salem, and being the historical fiction person I am, my thoughts turned to the Salem Witch Trials. Immediately, I could see how adding the background of the witch hunts would add a depth to the story I hadn’t thought of before. Fortunately, Salem, Massachusetts comes complete with its own college—now Salem State University—so the location worked in more ways than one.

P: When did you figure out you wanted to be an author?

M: I’ve loved to write for as long as I can remember, but I started writing with the intention of being published after I finished my M.A. in English. I had a head full of wonderful stories from all the reading I did in college, and I wanted to write stories of my own.

P: How long did your characters live in your head before you put them on paper?

M: I kicked the idea for Her Dear & Loving Husband around for six months before I ever sat down at the computer to start writing the story. I’ve written five going on six novels now, so I know the commitment it takes to write a novel, especially since I write historical fiction where there’s a lot of research involved. Because of that, I won’t start writing any little idea that occurs to me. I like to live with it for a while and see if it’s something I’m genuinely intrigued by. If I begin to imagine characters and scenes, as I did with Her Dear & Loving Husband, and I’m dying to know what happens next, then it’s a keeper and I make the decision to turn it into a novel.

P: Considering the name of my blog is "Comfort Books" what is your favorite comfort book?

M: Anything by Charles Dickens. No one can make me laugh, cry, or think the way he does. If I had to choose a favorite novel of his, it would be David Copperfield.

P: Can we expect any more books from you in the future?

M: Absolutely. I have a lot more stories to tell. Right now, I’m working on the last book in the Loving Husband Trilogy, and then I already know what I’m going to write when that’s over.

*Speed Round*
1. Chocolate or Vanilla? Love, love chocolate.
2. Sneakers or Flip Flops? Love them both. Sneakers (Chucks) in winter and flip flops in summer.
3. Pens or Pencils? Pencils, actually. I like to be able to erase, and I don’t like erasable pens.
4. Night or Day? Night. I seem to get my best writing done then.
5. Standalones or Series? Whatever I’m writing at the time!

Thanks, Paige!





  1. Thanks so much for posting this, Paige!

  2. Loved this interview! Especially this part: "Because of that, I won’t start writing any little idea that occurs to me. I like to live with it for a while and see if it’s something I’m genuinely intrigued by."

    As a fellow writer, I definitely needed to read these words. I tend to write fantasy so there's a lot of thought/research that goes into building a world. If the story ends up going nowhere, it becomes a big, frustrating waste of time!


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