
17 October 2012

The Acropolis Tour: Author Interview + Giveaway

Hey everybody! Today Comfort Books is apart of The Acropolis tour hosted by AToMR Tours and our tour host is Autumn over @ The Autumn Review! Today I have an author interview for you but first lets check out a little about the book!

The Acropolis by R.K. Ryals
“We have a new assignment for you, Mr. Reinhardt.”
These words are not comforting to me. At eighteen, I am a gargoyle who has been demoted because I broke the rules. Now I have a new mission, a new mark to protect. But I don’t expect Emma Chase. I don’t expect to question my own race. I don’t expect to care for my own mark. And I am not prepared for what I find at The Acropolis.
Author Interview:
P:  What makes this book stand apart from your other work?
RK: The Acropolis originally began as a spinoff book from the Redemption series in which Conor Reinhardt first makes his appearance, but it became much more than that. I think it stands apart because it's about gargoyles who protect humans on earth from Demons, but the gargoyles become so obsessed with doing what's right that they start to miss what's wrong. It's a story about overcoming prejudice, about love, and in some ways about atonement. I think people can relate to that.
P: Why gargoyles? Where did that inspiration come from?
RK: I have always had a fascination with gargoyles. Well, more like a fascination with history and certain arhcitecture from certain periods. Gargoyles were often used for protection and to divert water. I'm not quite sure why this fascinated me so much, especially since most gargoyles statues appear grotesque, but they do. I wanted to create a society of gargoyles created by Heaven to protect humans from evil. I wanted to give them a structure, and then I wanted to focus on one particular gargoyle and his place within that structure. And that is where Conor comes in.
P: What was the most difficult part in writing this story?
RK: Weirdly, I'm not sure there was a difficult part for me in this story. I did a lot of research on gargoyles, but most of the gargoyles' development and structure and etc. is my own creation as there isn't much to go on in myth. Same with Emma's characters and where she comes from. It was an incredibly fun book to write and wasn't tedious in the least.
P: What was the most fun?
RK: The interaction between Conor, Will, and Roach. It continually cracked me up even writing it. Conor was honestly so much fun to write. He's charming, witty, and loyal to a fault.
P: What is your favorite scene in ACROPOLIS?
RK: I think my favorite scene in the Acropolis is the ocean scene where the gargoyles are escaping with Emma to the Acropolis. It's intense, and it says alot about both Conor and Emma as characters.
P: Is there anything you would like readers to take away after reading the book they may miss that you want to point out?
RK: I didn't originally write this book with a message in mind, but one developed along the way. It was supposed to be a snarky fun book about gargoyles, but it became a book about an honorable society that has gotten so caught up in doing what's right that they've become judgemental and prejudice. I want people to walk away with the knowledge that doing what's right doesn't always mean doing what everyone else thinks is right.
I hope you all enjoyed the interview! Don't forget to check out the rest of the tour here! But before you go check out the giveaway below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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