
03 October 2012

Vipers Creed Tour: Author Interview

Good morning peoples! It's time for Comfort Books to partcipate in yet another tour! and that tour is the Viper's Creed by T.L. Shreffler tour hosted by These Paper Worlds Book Tours! and I have an author interview for you guys today but first heres a little about the book.

Viper's Creed by T.L. Shreffler
Synopsis: Sora is having visions. Strange, terrifying visions brought on by her Cat's Eye necklace, an ancient and magical device. Spurred to action, she leaves her mother's cabin to find Crash, the mysterious assassin who once changed her life. She is certain that together, they can discover what the necklace is trying to tell her.

Crash is still on the run from the dark sorcerer, Volcrian, but now a plague is spreading across the land. Volcrian's quest for vengeance has awakened something far more evil than himself; a force that could destroy the entire kingdom. Together, he and Sora must harness the power of the Cat's Eye and kill the sorcerer before it's too late....

Meet The Author:
T. L. Shreffler lives in Los Angeles, CA. She loves diversity, fantasy, romance, iced tea, long walks, philosophy, and thrift store shopping. She recently graduated with a BA in Badass (Creative Writing) and her poetry has been published consecutively in Eclipse: A Literary Journal and The Northridge Review. She works as the assistant editor for the funky and fantastic Tinsel Tokyo Magazine!


1. Have you always wanted to be a writer?Absolutely not! I’ve always wanted to be a rich noblewoman, a warlock, a crazy assassin or a sexy werewolf... but seeing as I can’t be any of these things, I became a writer. ;)

2. Where is your favorite place to write?
On my patio... it’s like being indoors and outside all at the same time!

3. Ay advice for other aspiring writers?
Don’t let bad critiques get you down! There’s no author in the world that’s above a bad review. Don’t take it personally, and it’s good advice, try to listen. :)

4. The name of my blog is Comfort Books so what is your favorite 'Comfort Book'?
I’d have to say the first book of Harry Potter... I know, I know, everyone has read that book a thousand times... but I just love that moment when Harry is first entering into the wizard world and everyone knows his name. How cool is that?

5. What can we expect from you in the future?
Lots of fantastical worlds, potential love stories, a few grand adventures and a broken heroine or two. My stories appear in my head like Spirited Away or Howl’s Moving Castle... so anything that’s absolutely gorgeous and off the wall, that’s where I want to go. 

**speed round**

1. Chicken or Tacos?
TACOS (how did you know that’s all I eat???)

2. Paper back or hardback?
Paperback... hardcovers are so “hard” to carry around, lol! *cracks up*

3. Night or Morning?
Morning... my boyfriend hates me for waking up at 7am every morning.

4. Vampires or Werewolfs?
Werewolves... woof... because they’re vicious.

5. Ice cream or Cheesecake?Ice cream! I’m not a big fan of sweets, actually. I have a lot more to say about this, but I’ll end it with OMG ROCKY ROAD.

Thanks for stopping by everybody! Have a great day!

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