
19 November 2012

Mirrored Deception Tour: Author Interview

Mirrored Deception by Emma Leigh Reed
Synopsis: Jayla Ralston is running. After her apartment break in, she decided to get away from life and her overbearing twin sister. She finds the perfect Maine hide away to make some changes - The Cliffhouse Bed and Breakfast. It was perfect...until the phone calls resumed - kicking her paranoia into high gear. 

Trenton Montgomery is out for revenge. It has taken him ten years to return to his childhood home. After sneaking into an empty wing to focus on his clandestine investigation, a beautiful woman shows up - causing him to feel emotions, 
other than anger, for the first time in a long time.

Author Interview: 

P: How long have you wanted to be an author?  
E: It seems like I have wanted to be an author forever.  The desire became stronger probably about 20 years ago.

P: Do you have a favorite place to write?  
E: I write either in my office or in the living room with my laptop.

P: What advice could we give to aspiring authors?  
E: Keep writing and find yourself a good critique partner, one you can trust.

P: What's your favorite part about writing?  
E: Allowing my mind to just go with the thoughts that fill it. A writer's mind never stops spinning and writing is our outlet to let the thoughts go.

P: What can we expect from you in the future?  
E: Right now I have a sequel to my first book, Crashing Hearts, about half way completed; another book started and another romantic suspense spinning in my mind.

Thanks so much for being here today Emma! Also to my followers I hope you all enjoyed the interview check out the giveaway below and then check out where these tours originate from These Paper Worlds
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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