
25 November 2012

Review: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls
by Patrick Ness
Publisher: Walker Books
Publication Date: September 27, 2011
Book Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 215
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I checked out A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness from my local library for the purpose of reviewing it on my blog.

I picked this book up at my own risk. I knew when I started it that everyone whose read it have balled there eyes out and that’s what I was prepared to do. So I was a little astonished when I finished this book without shedding a single tear. But don’t fret, just because I didn’t cry doesn’t mean I didn’t love this book!

A Monster Calls is about a boy named Conor who lives in I think England? I think but I’m not sure with his mom. The twist is that his parents are divorced which means it’s just him and his mother, and the bad part his mother has cancer. I know it sounds like something some people would cry about but I just didn’t feel the need to cry. I’m not sure why.

Yes I definitely felt bad for Conor at parts because I mean who wouldn’t? His mother has cancer and he’s having to deal with basically being alone and being bullied at school. But for a boy his age I think he handled it very well considering he was on his own.

One of the things I enjoyed about the book was the three tales that the monster told. At first when the monster told Conor about the stories I was a little skeptical about them. I thought they were going to be a little boring but I actually enjoyed them!

Let’s talk about some of the characters shall we? His grandmother, really how rude could you be to a 13 year old who is losing his mother to cancer. It’s your grandson and he’s losing his mother and your being so rude and hard on him? I mean really?! And them his father. Who doesn’t ever see him because of where he lives and then comes back for two seconds and then leave again. Those were a couple of reasons I felt bad for him. You’ll find out more once you read the book!

Overall this gets a 5 out of 5 stars because it kept me interested and I loved all of the illustrations in the book!

View all my reviews


  1. Wow, 5 out of 5 starts, I think I'm going to consider to read this book. I'm glad that you loved it so much! :)

  2. Great review, sweetie ;) I loved this book as well. <3 it was just so good.


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