
24 December 2012

25 Authors of Christmas Tour

Hello everyone! It is Christmas Eve as you all know and today I'm taking part in the 25 authors of Christmas tour hosted by Brandi @ Bound 2 Astound! Everyday this month there was an author interview/giveaway on all kinds of different blogs you can find that list here!
Today I am interviewing the lovely Natasha Deen, author of the True Grime series which currently has two books in it. True Grime & True Grime 2: Angel Maker click on the titles to the left to be taken to the goodreads page where you can check out Natasha's books.
Meet The Author:
When I was little, there was only one thing I wanted to be when I grew up: a superhero. Sadly, this goal was made moot when I realized that being a klutz was not in fact, a super power, and my super-weakness for anything bright and shiny meant that a magpie with self-control could easily defeat me in a battle of wills. Hence, the turn to writing as an occupation. I don’t get to live on a secret space station orbiting the earth (and thank God, because I get motion sick on a merry-go-round), but I still get to wear leotards, a cape and say things like, “STAND ASIDE! THIS IS A JOB FOR WRITING-GIRL!”
P: What is your favorite thing to do to get ready for christmas?
N:  I love putting on Christmas music sung by the classic guys (Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby), curling up in a blanket, and watching the snow fall outside.
P: Do you like to read christmas themed books when christmas is near? If so what are you reading this year?
N: Actually, I’ll read Christmas book through the year—for me, it’s the story not the time setting. As for this year, I’ve been appointed as the 2013 Regional Writer in Residence for the Metro Edmonton Library Federation, so most of my reading has been perusing calendars & booking workshops. :D
P: What are your favorite foods to eat around christmas?
N: Mandarin oranges, candy canes, & homemade Christmas cookies.
P: What sorts of traditions do you take part in every year?
N: Ha ha—does chocolate shopping after Christmas (when it’s all at 50% off) count as a tradition?
P: What is your favorite thing about the holidays?
N: Honestly, my family & I are so busy through the year that shutting down computers & cell phones, laying work aside so we can spend time together is my favorite thing about the holidays. J
Thanks for stopping by everyone! I dont have the code for the giveaway but up at the top where I said click here for the page you can find the giveaway there :)

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