
18 December 2012

Dead Heart Tour: Interview + Giveaway

Dead Heart by R.L. King
Synopsis: Would you give someone your own beating heart so they may live?

That is the question Doctor Paul Vieyra will have to ask himself as his world comes crashing down around him, and the ghost of those who died on his operating table haunt his mind.
When Dr. Vieyra sister’s heart begins to fail and her life fade away, a new heart or surgery are her only chances for survival—a chance no doctor is willing to take. Dr. Vieyra will risk everything he has and more for his sister. He will need the help of both old and new friends along with his mental ghosts if he is going to overcome the incredible obstacles that stand in his way.
The clock is ticking. Will he be able to save his sister’s dead heart? What is he willing to risk?
P: Have you always wanted to be a writer?
R.L.: No, it had never really crossed my mind until I was twenty-seven. I had a lot of other big dreams though. At one time, I wanted to be a singer, at another, a professional boxe; but none of them involved writing. I remember a teacher once said I showed amazing potential in high school, the senior English class focusing on horror and we studied Stephen King and Edgar Allen Poe. I thought I would be getting an easy grade because I had already read most everything they had written, but the class dealt with why and how fear was applied to the rules of writing, and until then I was only a reader. I remember it was so advanced it should have been a college course. It wasn't until ten years later I was writing a letter to my best friend and he asked me to write a short story, I think it was for Halloween, but I am not sure. I began writing what I thought would be at most two or three pages, but it took off on its own, and it grew into a full grown novel of almost four hundred.
P: Do you like to write at night or in the morning?
R.L.: I like to write at night, for a couple of reasons. The most important reason is that I am not a morning person. Writing at night also reduces your chances of interruptions. Another reason I like nights is because it is easier for me to transfer a story into words when I am tired. It is almost as if part of my brain is dreaming, watching a story in my head, and my hands are doing the translation onto the keyboard. I have tried writing at different times, but for me, the best time is after midnight.
P: Do you have a favorite place to write?
R.L.: I like a small place to write. When I started, I was in a tiny one bedroom apartment, and I had to put my computer in the corner of the kitchen/dinning room space. Since then, I have upgraded to writing in a two-car garage that I have made into my Man-Cave. Some day I would like to get snowed in for a winter in a small cabin over looking a mountain lake. I have found that winter is the season for writing, and since I am not a fan of the cold, I would stay indoors and focus on the story.
P: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
R.L.: Be your own editor and never give up. I wish someone would have told me that when you submit a story, the person reading it is also looking at the amount of editing it will need. Also on the editing process, they will only tell you if something is wrong or to re-word something, but there will be no creativity coming from the editor, only facts. Finally, never give up. You have a lot of competition, and if you want to be a writer, consider it your second job. Remember, you and your friends and family have to make sacrifices, but it is all worth it when you can finally call yourself a published author.
P: What can we expect from you in the future?
R.L.: Long term answer; a lifetime of book, I will continue to write all my life. It is a part of my life now, and I don't feel right when I am not writing, editing, revising, or somehow creating a story. Short term answer; I am outlining my next novel, and I should have a first draft finished by late January or early February.
**Speed Round**
1. Cheez-It or Goldfish? Goldfish
2. Paper or Lap top? Laptop
3. Pen or Pencils? Pens
4. Male main character or female? Male
5. Night or Day? Night

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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