
28 December 2012

Review: Undead by Kristy McKay

Undead by Kirsty McKay
Publisher: The Chicken House
Publication Date: September 1, 2012
Book Format: ARC
Number of Pages: 272
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received Undead by Kristy McKay from the publisher for my honest review.

Undead is about a group of students who live in the UK and they are on a school field trip. During this field trip they decide to stop for something to eat but little do they know most of them are going to turn into zombies. So the few students that are left have to find out a way to get themselves safe and away from the zombies.

I’ve never read a book about zombies before but I knew that I wanted to try one out so I thought what better then to try a new one that just came out. Something that was unique about this was that the zombies turned because of some sort of carrot juice. I thought that was so weird but hey whatever suits you.

The characters were really something else but that’s enjoyable in a book like these. If your going to have a group of random students of course there are going to be disagreements and things like that which is one of the best parts about the book. The reason I say this is because if your reading a book with a bunch of different people and they all get along perfectly you’d be bored, so with the fights and crazy things the book was entertaining.

Another thing I enjoyed about this book was that the main character was originally from the UK but she moved to the US and then back to the UK so she still had an accent but not a flow blown English accent anymore so she was kind of the odd one out but that’s also something that made her unique.

The plot was pretty cool, it ran back and fourth between the place they stopped to eat the road and a few other places which was good because you didn’t get too confused about where you were. Overall the book gets a 4 out of 4 stars it ended up being very enjoyable.

View all my reviews


  1. This one sounds like a cute read :) I just did a library search and my library has it! Can't wait to read it, good review :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  2. I really enjoyed this one too! So did my son :-D


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