
13 January 2013

Author Interview + Giveaway: Heather Beck

Good morning my lovely followers! How is your Sunday going? Mine is going quite well actually because I finished all the work I had lined up last night so today I am able to sit back and relax! I love these kind of days how about you? Anyways let's get on to why you're really here. Today I have an interview for you guys with Author of Vocation which is below! Check out the book and the interview and have an awesome Sunday everybody :)

Vocations by Heather Beck
Synopsis: Nothing stays the same forever...

A coming-of-age story that deals with the trials and tribulations of being in the late teens, Vocations describes the lives of three friends, Jeannie, Lila, and Pamela, and the events which draw them closer and pull them apart. Whether dealing with boys, friendships, or difficult decisions, Vocations takes an in-depth and honest look at the confusion one feels at this time in their life.
Meet The Author:
Heather Beck is a Canadian author and screenwriter who began writing professionally at the age of sixteen. Her first book was published when she was only nineteen years old. Since then she has written several well-reviewed books.
Heather recently received an Honors Bachelor of Arts from university where she specialized in English and studied an array of disciplines. Currently, she is working on two young adult novels and has six anthologies slated for publication. As a screenwriter, Heather has multiple television shows and movies in development. Her short films include Young Eyes, The Rarity and Too Sensible For Love.
Besides writing, Heather's greatest passion is the outdoors. She is an award-winning fisherwoman and a regular hiker. Her hobbies include swimming, playing badminton and volunteering with non-profit organizations.


P: What's your favorite part about being an author?
H: The absolute best part of being a writer is seeing the final product. There’s not much that can rival the feeling of holding your new book or seeing your story come to life. Even though I’ve been in this industry for over a decade, the excitement I feel when receiving the final product is as strong as ever. Other perks to being a writer includes getting to share my stories, receiving letters and e-mails from readers and being interviewed for newspapers, magazines and blogs.

P: How long have you wanted to be an author, and did you ever think it would happen?
H: I knew I wanted to be a writer since the second grade. I always loved reading, as well as creating new worlds, characters and plots of my own. I truly believe my desire to write is innate. However, it wasn’t until I turned sixteen that I began seriously researching the publishing industry and writing professionally. I was nineteen when my first book was published by a small, but traditional, publishing house. Since then I have published ten books, with several more forthcoming. I’m also a screenwriter. I have three short films produced, and several more projects are in development. Writing is such a natural activity for me, and I know I’ll be doing it for the rest of my life. I always believed I would become a published author because my desire was so strong, and I was willing to work insanely hard to make my dream a reality.

P: Where is your favorite place to write?
H: My favorite place to write is the outdoors, preferably on the dock at my cottage, at the beach, near water or in my backyard. I love being in nature and find it so inspirational. That’s where I am most happy and get my best ideas for books and screenplays. However, since writing comes very naturally to me, I believe I could write in most places.

P: What advice can you give to aspiring authors?
H: My best advice for aspiring authors is to be hopeful yet realistic. The publishing industry can be brutal and making a living as a writer is extremely difficult. That being said, it’s definitely not impossible to be a successful writer. You must have an unwavering belief in your talent, be knowledgeable about the industry, have a hard work ethic and be wholly dedicated to your writing. I’d also advise aspiring authors to have a day job since breaking into this industry can take a long time. Additionally, education and experiences broadens one’s horizons, which ultimately helps to shape one’s writing.

P: What can we expect from you in the future?
H: Most recently, my teen drama, Vocations, was re-released, and the fourth book in The Horror Diaries series, Supernatural, will be released this June. My short film, Circular – a chilling social commentary about war – will be filmed, and as always, I’m working with a few production companies on different screenwriting projects. Finally, I’m currently writing Frostbitten, a young adult werewolf romance that I outlined years ago. Luckily, now seems like a perfect time for that genre.
Thanks so much for stopping by today Heather! I hope to have you back sometime in the future :) For my followers Heather has been so kind as to offer a giveaway of your choice of


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Great interview. Enter me in this contest plz.


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