
26 January 2013

Flirt Squad: January Challenge!

Whats up my lovelies? I know it's a little late in the month for this post but better late then never right? So I hope you all remember what Flirt Squad is, if not you can find that here. So Flirt Squad is back with the January challenge, and it has to do with the new year!! Yay :)

So what you do is tweet all the news years resolutions from the different authors and for an extra 10 points you can create your own blog post with some of your own resolutions! You can check out the actual challenge post here

Paige's Resolutions :)
  • Finally reach my reading goal for the year which was brought down to 80 books for now since I never seem to be able to reach 100.
  • Get all A's this year in school.
  • Keep my blogging at a steady pace.
  • Make a bunch more blogging friends :)

Thanks so much for checking this out peoples :) Go be apart of the Flirt Squad it's so much fun! 

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