
03 February 2013

In My Mailbox e-book edition 10 + Weekly Wrap Up

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme created by Kristi over at The Story Siren where we show off all the books we get each week! Unfortunately I didn't get any physical books this week but I did get quite a bit of e-books! So those are the ones I'm going to show you :)

The Deepest Cut by J.A. Templeton
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Riley Williams has been able to see ghosts since the car crash that took her mother’s life and shattered her family. Guilt-ridden over the belief that she’s somehow responsible for her mom’s death, Riley is desperate to see her mother’s elusive spirit to gain her forgiveness. 

When her father moves the family to Scotland so they can all start over, Riley believes her life couldn’t get worse––that is until the ghost of nineteen-year-old Ian MacKinnon catches her purposely cutting herself. An uneasy truce quickly turns into friendship, and soon Riley’s falling hard for Ian. 

Riley believes her gift could help Ian end the curse that has kept him tied to the land for centuries, but that would mean letting him go forever and she’s not sure she is strong enough to do that. As if her life wasn’t complicated enough, the spirit of the woman who killed Ian returns and she’ll stop at nothing to keep Riley from helping Ian find eternal peace.

Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Delaney Scott is not your typical teenager. She is one of ten Ekloge Warriors,born with the purpose of protecting the town of Edenly. Only it’s a duty she wants to shed like a pair of dirty, worn-out shoes. 

However, a daring rescue alters Delaney's life forever. Now there is no running from her calling, and things will never be the same again. 
(This is a very short teaser story which includes the first three chapters of Dazzle, Book One in the Delaney's Gift Series)

Synopsis: Seventeen year old Jade Sommers life tuned upside down the moment she saw the inch long cut across her face, heal right before her eyes.

Jade thought she was going insane, but her boyfriend Aiden Scott knew better. He knew what she was. And like him, she was born this way.

Now if finding out that people like her shouldn’t exist was bad enough, Jades best friend is kidnapped by the psycho who’s terrorised her dreams. With the help of Aiden, she has to figure out how to saver her, before it’s too late.

But what Jade doesn’t know, is not everything is what it seems. She is merely a puppet in a sadistic game to find out what she is truly capable of – and the game has only just begun.

Synopsis: Heart-stopping and electric, MILA 2.0: Origins: The Fire contains a short prequel story and an excerpt to MILA 2.0, the first book in a riveting Bourne Identity–style trilogy by Debra Driza.

Mila can't remember anything before the fire that took her father's life. It's normal to have some memory loss after traumatic events, but Mila doesn't remember if she's ever learned to ride a bike, or if she's ever been in love. Nothing.

What she doesn't know is that she isn't supposed to remember—that she was built in a computer science lab and programmed to forget. Because if she remembers, she might discover her true identity.

The question is: If she relived the fire, what would she see?

Synopsis: The six years following the abrupt death of her father were the worst of Calista Bishoff's life. Frightened by her own mortality, Callie’s mom threw herself into a search for the Fountain of Youth—and dragged Callie along with her.

Callie should have loved traveling, but instead she hated every minute. When one more failed search sends her mother into depression, they finally return home to California. Sixteen-year-old Callie is ready to hang with her friends and be normal for as long as she can.

But, an unplanned trip to Bermuda with her grandmother throws Callie’s plans awry, and there’s more in store for Callie and her mom than just a simple beach vacation. Callie’s life is turned inside out as she finds herself in a very different world than the one she knows— 

Where things exist that she never dreamed were real.

Synopsis: When a class assignment requires seventeen-year-old Julie to shadow someone on the job, she’s overwhelmed by the decisions she’ll have to make. After all, she has no clue what she wants from life post-graduation. So when her Uncle Charlie, Oakland’s Chief of Police, suggests Julie fulfill her twenty hours of required job shadowing at the local police department, she’s thrilled at his solution. Thinking she’ll spend her days filing paperwork behind a desk, she finds herself quickly agreeing to his proposition. But Julie’s expectations are soon turned upside down when she meets Luke, the young and handsome (albeit somewhat stubborn) officer she’s assigned to shadow on patrol. 

With every hour she logs with Luke at the wheel, her feelings stir deeper, and Julie can’t help but wonder if what she’s feeling has developed into more than just a little crush.

Weekly Wrap Up:



Blog Tours/Hops:



  1. OOh nice! Haven't read any of these but they look like interesting reads! Happy Reading!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I LOVE your blog!! It is so beautiful!! :D
    I'm a new follower <3
    Glimmer and Just a Little Crush sound interesting.
    Enjoy your books (:

    Sapir @ Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl

  3. You have some interesting books this week. I've only heard of a couple, but the others look great. Happy reading!

    Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict

    My IMM

  4. I have heard a lot about Mila 2.0. I am hoping to get my hands on it soon! Hope you enjoy your books for the week!
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog
    My IMM:

  5. The Deepest Cut looks like a great read! I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my STS!

  6. I got Mila 2.0 from NetGalley and I got a free copy of Mila Origins The Fire 2.0... And now I have the time to read them both. Hope you enjoy your books.
    My IMM

  7. You got a solid YA haul. I hope each one of these are good!

  8. Oh, I loved The Deepest Cut! Enjoy!

  9. The Deepest Cut looks great! Huge fan of ghosts and this one kind of reminds me of American Horror Story. Great haul! Happy Reading :)

  10. Great haul!

    New follower!

    In My Mailbox -


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)